Kidnapped pleco eggs

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Kidnapped pleco eggs

Post by seb47 »

I have a group of l002 in the same tank as a pair of bristlenose. The bristlenose spawned a couple days ago and it all seemed routine until I checked the tank today and saw a male l002 with a shredded tail inside the cave (probably due to daddy bristlenose), and the male bristlenose sitting outside. The l002 is fanning the eggs as if they were his, and he's my only male l002 that's spawned so far.

Has this happened to anyone else? the bristlenose always spawn in the same cave which is on the opposite side of the tank as where the male l002 hang's out, and it's been around 5 weeks since the l002s spawned, which was the interval between the first 2 spawns. It rained for the first time in a while today so the pressure change may have factored in.
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