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What size fish will Syno Multi eat?

Posted: 05 Mar 2022, 19:32
by Floridagirl
Hi. I have a group of 8 , 5-6 inch, Syno Multies ina. 90 gallon tank. They are in with 3 inch fish. I would like to grow out some fish in that tank. What size would you recommend them to be to not get eaten? Same question for my 4, 3 inch Lucippinis. Need to move fish around and have some 1 inch fry. TIA

Re: What size fish will Syno Multi eat?

Posted: 05 Mar 2022, 20:23
by fishguy1978
I have a Synodontis multipunctatus in with my Neolamprologus multifacitus shell dwellers. I have a lot of multi fry surviving. most of the syno have smaller mouths so 1in fry should be safe.

Re: What size fish will Syno Multi eat?

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 22:40
by Birger
I used to let mother cichlids drop fry into my tank with lucipinnis without them getting eaten.
As Far as grandiops/multipunctatus I would be a little more sceptical to do that.One inch fry should be okay though, the catfish are not totally predatory...they would be more opportunistic.