Mystus Leucophasis upside down catfish available
Posted: 05 Jan 2022, 06:11
I have one mystus leucophasis available. He/she is beautiful with jet black color and small white spots on the sides.
Fantastic fish, but he/she will outgrow my tank. I was accidentally sent him/her by live aquaria rather than the syndontis nigriventris I ordered. I didn’t realize that it wasn’t black variety of the correct species until it had taken a liking to my tiny chili raspbora . Trying to do right by it and find him/her a better home.
He is an active fish that swims UPSIDE DOWN at all levels of the tank particularly in the evening. During the day he can be mostly found swimming against the filter water flow or sometimes hiding in his cave.
Sorry the pictures not oriented correctly. I couldn’t figure out how to rotate. The plant in the background is, of course, growing vertically lol.Fantastic fish, but he/she will outgrow my tank. I was accidentally sent him/her by live aquaria rather than the syndontis nigriventris I ordered. I didn’t realize that it wasn’t black variety of the correct species until it had taken a liking to my tiny chili raspbora . Trying to do right by it and find him/her a better home.