Personable catfish for a planted 90g?
Posted: 19 Dec 2021, 16:03
Morning again fellow keepers, so to approach my earlier post from a different perspective, about stocking advice. I am relatively new to fishkeeping, especially catfish. I've had bad luck with bristlenose plecos. The corys do fine, but I think would do better in a species tank. So simply put...
You have a 90g heavily planted tank with 2 sponge filters and 2 of the big Marineland Hob filters loaded to the gills with filter floss and biorings. You do a 40% wc weekly. There are no fish in the tank. You want a personable, active largish catfish or group of smaller cats that will be comfortable in that tank with said wc schedule full time for their whole lifespan. What do you pick?
P.S. I know an earlier post said pictus as an option but looking out for more possibilities before I make a decision.
You have a 90g heavily planted tank with 2 sponge filters and 2 of the big Marineland Hob filters loaded to the gills with filter floss and biorings. You do a 40% wc weekly. There are no fish in the tank. You want a personable, active largish catfish or group of smaller cats that will be comfortable in that tank with said wc schedule full time for their whole lifespan. What do you pick?
P.S. I know an earlier post said pictus as an option but looking out for more possibilities before I make a decision.