Syno Breeding?

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Syno Breeding?

Post by cafman »

I have experience keeping fish, cichlids, ect. But have never kept catfish. I came across a nice 40 gallon tank at a used furniture store that I could not pass up. I have been reading about synos and would like to keep some in that tank.
I would prefer to get some synos that might someday breed which leads to my questions

The only breeding info for synos that I can find is in regards to synodontis petricola and synodontis multipunctatus. Are these the only synos that breed in an aquarium (without hormone injections ect)?

For the breeds above, is breeding rare? Or if a guy sets his aquarium up correctly for those fish is there a good chance that they will breed?

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Post by Silurus »

Are these the only synos that breed in an aquarium (without hormone injections ect)?
No, but these are the easiest to spawn and are the most suitable species for a beginner.
For the breeds above, is breeding rare?
If you do it right, you'll have baby synos out your wazoo.
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Post by Fish Soup »

That could tickle!
2xL46; 3xL333; 2xLDA33; 3xL183; 9xLDA08; 1xAncistrus L279; 2xAlbino Ancistrus sp.(3)
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Post by Dinyar »

Compared to most cîchlids, even Synodontis multipunctatus and S. petricola are difficult to spawn. Sure, if you do beluga whales right, you'd have baby belugas coming out the wazoo too (now, that could hurt, not just tickle!), but that begs the question of how easy it is to do it right.

And maybe that's the difference between cîchlids and catf*sh. Many cîchlids will spawn as long as you give them tolerable conditions, whereas most catfish demand that you get it just right.

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