Paleatus swimming weirdly, IBS issue ?
Posted: 02 Aug 2021, 15:09
One of my acquaintance recently - a week ago - got 3 C. paleatus of which one swims weirdly :
From what I know :
Nitrogen cycle done
Nitrates: 18 mg/l
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
GH: 7
KH: 6
PH: 7.2
No water softener
Tankmates : Snails, Amano shrimps, C. aenus + paleatus, Lemon tetra, Cardinal tetra, a pair of Pearl gouramis.
Tanks is 150 Long x 45 wide x 54 heigh
Water changes every 10 days with RO water and Volvic mineral water.
It eats well.
I told him that as Cories are scaleless they are more sensible to any pollution than scaled fishes.
He thinks of swimbaddler issue. Do Cories have swimbaddler ? I'm not sure of that.
Could it be a constipation that annoys/prevents intestinal breathing ?
Internal parasites ?
Any help will be appreciated
One of my acquaintance recently - a week ago - got 3 C. paleatus of which one swims weirdly :
From what I know :
Nitrogen cycle done
Nitrates: 18 mg/l
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 0
GH: 7
KH: 6
PH: 7.2
No water softener
Tankmates : Snails, Amano shrimps, C. aenus + paleatus, Lemon tetra, Cardinal tetra, a pair of Pearl gouramis.
Tanks is 150 Long x 45 wide x 54 heigh
Water changes every 10 days with RO water and Volvic mineral water.
It eats well.
I told him that as Cories are scaleless they are more sensible to any pollution than scaled fishes.
He thinks of swimbaddler issue. Do Cories have swimbaddler ? I'm not sure of that.
Could it be a constipation that annoys/prevents intestinal breathing ?
Internal parasites ?
Any help will be appreciated