Ompok catfish infection?
Posted: 20 Jan 2021, 04:51
After I reeleased a Mystus gulio in my main tank, everything seemed fine. I finished the copper treatment in the main tank and added a dewormer (albendazole). From the next day, all of my cats stopped eating. I thought it was due to the Mystus, who up to this point had recovered beautifully, regrowing fins and whiskers. I isolated the Mystus. Then did a PWC in the main tank and added acriflavine, but the condition of the Ompoks have continued to worsen. I've been doing daily WCs but the Ompoks haven't recovered. They show signs of Mild Finrot, cloudy eye, and curled barbels. I don't have a test kit rn but I feel this has progressed into a bacterial infection. Should I do salt baths or stuff like that? Should I continue with the acriflavine treatment?