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Corydoras bilineatus
Posted: 25 Nov 2020, 22:27
by Karsten S.
I'm quite sure than some if not all picture in the data base are not really
They are all additionally labeled as "San Juan" cory which is the trade name for
Elegans group corys in Iquitos, Peru. I think it's named after the district San Juan Bautista south-west of Iquitos.
I'm not aware of any commercial import of this species from Bolivia.
Here you can find a safe
Corydoras bilineatus: ... roduct/939
Especially the yellowish fin colour if pic 4 from Kim is quite typical for some forms around Iquitos.
Do you know the catching locations of the corys in the pics or on what the identification was based ?
Re: Corydoras bilineatus
Posted: 26 Nov 2020, 11:06
by Acanthicus
I fully agree with Karsten, the pictures do not look like what I am used to catch as bilineatus. I added two pictures of mine to the Cat-eLog.
I dont even think bilineatus is in the hobby at all. I once brought back a few, but they all turned out to be males, and my last one went to Erik (Germany), he had a single female left, but apparently this was too old to breed.
cheers, Daniel
Re: Corydoras bilineatus
Posted: 26 Nov 2020, 17:42
by Karsten S.
Hi Daniel,
I can remember that many years back there were in GB some alleged Corydoras bilineatus which might have been descendants of the stock of Joachim Knaack but I don't remember if this was confirmed or not.
If so, I assume Ian or Hans-Georg might know more...
Re: Corydoras bilineatus
Posted: 26 Nov 2020, 18:29
by Jools
You know, this error (and it is) predates the forum, so before 2003. I think either Yann or Silurus ID'ed the originals. Likely about 1999 from the images. How Kim's one was ID'ed as such I don't know, his IDs are good.
What taxon should have the common name "san juan"? For sure, we need it somewhere...
I see I need to move most of these to C. napoensis and will do that soon. But the yellow one, from near Iquitos, does this not have a c/cw-number? I seem to remember
? I will need to check...
PS What river(s) should it be too, for some reason, it's currently attached to the Rio Madeira and that must be wrong too?
Re: Corydoras bilineatus
Posted: 26 Nov 2020, 19:29
by bekateen
Jools wrote: 26 Nov 2020, 18:29What taxon should have the common name "san juan"? For sure, we need it somewhere...
I see I need to move most of these to C. napoensis and will do that soon. But the yellow one, from near Iquitos, does this not have a c/cw-number? I seem to remember
? I will need to check...
I lack the background history on these fish, from which Karsten and Daniel draw. But what I see coming into our LFS as "San Juan" corys, as shown in your bilineatus CLOG, obviously do not match napoensis. Perhaps they align with one of the existing C/CW numbers, but those without the yellow fins are not C123 obviously. Is it possible the non-yellow fish don't match anything cleanly and need to be given a new CLOG page, and call them Corydoras(Ln5) `San_Juan` (or something similar)? As for the yellow-finned fishes, I've gotten a few of them in the past, always blended with napoensis, and I thought they might be C123, but it was my impression that they have a stockier body than the C123 I've seen in other people's tanks.
Certainly I stake no authority here, but maybe that will help with sorting.
Cheers, Eric
Re: Corydoras bilineatus
Posted: 27 Nov 2020, 18:58
by Karsten S.
Corydoras sp. "San Juan" is to my knowledge only a trade name (like deckeri cory in Colombia) not used for only one species or form but a mix.
No one in Iquitos will keep those separated acc. to locations and when those are stressed or juveniles they look probably anyway same. This is one of the cheapest corys in Iquitos, don't ask me how many forms there are actually...
C 123 is one of those, I would not exclude that also sometimes C. napoensis or others will be named as such.
However, I have never looked deeper into this topic, the elegans group was never really too much in my focus...
Re: Corydoras bilineatus
Posted: 27 Nov 2020, 19:20
by bekateen
Karsten S. wrote: 27 Nov 2020, 18:58
Corydoras sp. "San Juan" is to my knowledge only a trade name (like deckeri cory in Colombia) not used for only one species or form but a mix.
No one in Iquitos will keep those separated acc. to locations and when those are stressed or juveniles they look probably anyway same. This is one of the cheapest corys in Iquitos, don't ask me how many forms there are actually...
C 123 is one of those, I would not exclude that also sometimes
C. napoensis or others will be named as such.
However, I have never looked deeper into this topic, the
elegans group was never really too much in my focus...
Yes I appreciate that a shipment of fish sold as "San Juan" corys can be a mix, which can include c123 and napoensis. My thinking was focused specifically on this fish which here is attributed to bilineatus. I've seen tanks full of these for sale under the name San Juan cory, so my point was that if it doesn't yet have a specific description or a c/cw number, perhaps "San Juan" cory is as good as anything.
Cheers, Eric
Re: Corydoras bilineatus
Posted: 24 Jan 2021, 11:22
by Jools
Hi All,
I think I've moved things around to match current thinking. There was quite a mix here, and already we had a "cf_elegans" entry for the odder Iquitos fishes - this has now become the home for the San Juan name. I think two of the other pics were C. elegans itself and the other was C123 - that species profile already had pics of the same fish!
So, for now, I think this one is done.