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Viewing Zebra's
Posted: 13 Jan 2004, 20:59
by alsbeth
Hi, i currently keep a group of adult zebra plecs,in their own tank in my fish house,but during the day the zebra's are rarely seen.When the fish house lights go out ,they of course come out to feed etc.I would like to view the fish and try and understand their behaviour, is there a way of doing this ? i have heard of putting a small red light in the room, because fish can't view red light, is this true? Has anybody got i tried and tested method ? Thanks Alan
Posted: 14 Jan 2004, 00:23
by polkadot
Hi Alan, try to have their "caves" opening facing you. They'll be inside or near their "caves" most of the time in daytime. I did that and enjoy the wonderful view of them even in the day!
Posted: 14 Jan 2004, 16:42
by alsbeth
Hi ,thanks for your reply,i can actually see them near their caves in the daytime,but i wanted to try and see what happens with the lights out,see their feeding habits,fighting etc Thanks Alan
Posted: 14 Jan 2004, 17:41
by plesner
Ive tried both red and 'black' light with some of my catfish. I did get to see them more, but I got a lot of algae. I guess the algae really enjoyed the extra light.
Posted: 14 Jan 2004, 19:39
by StiffMeister
i have the same with my albino... while the other pleco's arent hiding at all. is this cuz he is an albino? more scared of light?