New Peckoltia pankimpuju. Awesome fish!

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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New Peckoltia pankimpuju. Awesome fish!

Post by Bristlenose 94 »

Just got this big fella from Aqua Imports. What a cool looking fish. He seems to be settling in well and loves Fluval Bug Bites and some different varieties of Hikari cichlid pellets.
He has a couple little sores so I dosed with Prazi just to be safe.
If anyone has some input on caring for this species I would really appreciate it, he seems to be adjusting well but I want him to really thrive.

Living in a 75 now but there is a 6x3 aquarium in his future.
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Re: New Peckoltia pankimpuju. Awesome fish!

Post by bekateen »

Wow! That fish looks big! Good luck with it, and please keep us updated.

Cheers, Eric
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Re: New Peckoltia pankimpuju. Awesome fish!

Post by MarcW »

It does look big! There is some information about location and habitat here, , from the look of it's teeth, I would guess its omnivorous, likely rasping plant matter off of surfaces and getting small crustaceans and insect larvae along with it, so I'd be sure to offer a varied diet, try things like sweet potato and zucchini, as well as Repashy gel foods and large pellet/wafer foods.

Good luck!
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Re: New Peckoltia pankimpuju. Awesome fish!

Post by Bristlenose 94 »

Thanks guys, yeah he's definitely got some size to him. They initially told me he was 7" minus the streamers but he's really like 10"-11" without them, lol. 15" TL. Definitely the biggest fish I've had.
Tried some fresh shrimp last night. He was loving it.
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