4 weeks old fry Dying one by one for years
4 weeks old fry Dying one by one for years
So ive been breeding l134 and l46 for a couple of years now. I get alot of spawns and the adults all are healthy and fat. Never had to work hard to get spawns so thats something im blessed with.
But i always have mixed results with the frys alot of times they just die of one by one after 4 weeks.
They always start eating and become healthy and fat i feed 2 times per day in small amounts i keep them in a fry box with the adults,
My adult tanks are very understocked with some shrimp in it, and i do not over feed. I change anywere from 30-50% per week with aged tap water and i add prime since i have chloramines in the water supply. I pre filter my water thru 2 carbon filters.
water perameters for my tap is ph 8.5 kh 4 dps 150, ph in tanks sits at 8.0. tanks have been up and running for years and are very stable
I really dont know what i can do at this point, its so weird that the frys start feeding and seems to do so well, then just start to die off and the remaing frys just seems to regress in growth at that point aswell. Over the years ive tried alot of fryboxes with or without sand, with leaves in and without, doesnt seem to change the end result. I feed mostly dr bassler and northfin veggie pellets but ive tried alot of others on diffrent batches. I tried with male caring for frys and taking eggs just before they hatch ect ect. I normally get a few fry that make it but they grow slow and a few gets deformed fins.
Anyone got any ideas what i could do, could it be my high PH that frys mabe dont like? Ive heard even small amounts of amonia becomes alot more toxic in high Ph. I have new batches that hatch anytime now, and this time around i bought an Ro unit and im trying 50%/50% tap/ro this brings my ph tp 7.5
But i always have mixed results with the frys alot of times they just die of one by one after 4 weeks.
They always start eating and become healthy and fat i feed 2 times per day in small amounts i keep them in a fry box with the adults,
My adult tanks are very understocked with some shrimp in it, and i do not over feed. I change anywere from 30-50% per week with aged tap water and i add prime since i have chloramines in the water supply. I pre filter my water thru 2 carbon filters.
water perameters for my tap is ph 8.5 kh 4 dps 150, ph in tanks sits at 8.0. tanks have been up and running for years and are very stable
I really dont know what i can do at this point, its so weird that the frys start feeding and seems to do so well, then just start to die off and the remaing frys just seems to regress in growth at that point aswell. Over the years ive tried alot of fryboxes with or without sand, with leaves in and without, doesnt seem to change the end result. I feed mostly dr bassler and northfin veggie pellets but ive tried alot of others on diffrent batches. I tried with male caring for frys and taking eggs just before they hatch ect ect. I normally get a few fry that make it but they grow slow and a few gets deformed fins.
Anyone got any ideas what i could do, could it be my high PH that frys mabe dont like? Ive heard even small amounts of amonia becomes alot more toxic in high Ph. I have new batches that hatch anytime now, and this time around i bought an Ro unit and im trying 50%/50% tap/ro this brings my ph tp 7.5
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Re: 4 weeks old fry Dying one by one for years
That is a difficult problem. I too have many losses for fry. Some should be expected naturally, but not so many.
You didn't mention temperature. What is your tank temp? Maybe too cool?
Also, I intentionally overfeed my fry, a lot. And I suction out uneaten food at least daily from the fry basket.
Also, try flakes with fry, not pellets.
Cheers, Eric
You didn't mention temperature. What is your tank temp? Maybe too cool?
Also, I intentionally overfeed my fry, a lot. And I suction out uneaten food at least daily from the fry basket.
Also, try flakes with fry, not pellets.
Cheers, Eric
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Re: 4 weeks old fry Dying one by one for years
Temp is between 28-30c, i dont think food is the problem tried a few diffrent ones over the years with same result, i think tried brineshrimp flakes at one point aswell. I rearly have to vacum anything since they normally eat what i put in, i always try not to over feed but i still make sure the bellies are fat.
Only thing i can think of is somethibg with the water at this point, i know alot of water supplys in sweden puts in chemicals to raise the PH thats why tds can be so low yet with a huge PH.
Only thing i can think of is somethibg with the water at this point, i know alot of water supplys in sweden puts in chemicals to raise the PH thats why tds can be so low yet with a huge PH.
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Re: 4 weeks old fry Dying one by one for years
how closely related are your breeders? might be that they are inbred so much that the genetics are weak
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Re: 4 weeks old fry Dying one by one for years
Bende aynı sorunu uzun zamandır yaşıyorum yavrular doğuyor fakat kısa bir süre sonra ölüm farklı Akvaryumlara aldım olmadı catappa kozalak vs ile su değerlerini yumuşatmaya çalıştım olmadı filterasyon ve düzenli su değişimi iyi yapıyorum sıcaklık 28 derece sabit bende bu sorunu yaşamış arkadaşlarımdan çözüm Önerilerini bekliyorum su testinde nitrat nitrit kh pH ve diğer değerler normal
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Re: 4 weeks old fry Dying one by one for years
From Google Translate:Fahrettin wrote: 15 Oct 2020, 09:34 Bende aynı sorunu uzun zamandır yaşıyorum yavrular doğuyor fakat kısa bir süre sonra ölüm farklı Akvaryumlara aldım olmadı catappa kozalak vs ile su değerlerini yumuşatmaya çalıştım olmadı filterasyon ve düzenli su değişimi iyi yapıyorum sıcaklık 28 derece sabit bende bu sorunu yaşamış arkadaşlarımdan çözüm Önerilerini bekliyorum su testinde nitrat nitrit kh pH ve diğer değerler normal
This is only one translation Google offered me. Punctuation would be helpful as Google doesn't know where the sentences stop.I have had the same problem for a long time too, the offspring are born, but after a short time I got to different Aquariums. I tried to soften the water values with catappa cone etc. I did not filter and regular water change I do it well, the temperature is stable at 28 degrees. nitrate nitrite kh pH and other values are normal in the water test. I am waiting for your suggestions
As for your fry deaths, what are you feeding them? Can you show us a photo of the tank?
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