Thank you Jools much. I didn't know or didn't pay attention to this custom. Not that it should matter to anyone, I don't like it because I am strongly allergic to avoidable assumptions and ambiguity.
People from all over the world who visit and benefit from the PCF threads probably don't know it either. Nor do they know that Jools and Birger are experts. Their surety increases directly proportionally to the number of agreeing replies to a thread. Which is a double-edged sword and can be a slippery slope, I'd agree.
My bump wasn't a challenge to your, in my eyes highly esteemed, opinion. You know how much I respect you. If I could, I'd make a glorious bronze statue of you with a catfish of your choosing in hands and place by my driveway for everyone to see and admire. Maybe on a horse too... I innocently believed and continue to believe that
the more experts would say something, the better;
two heads are better than one;
no one is perfect;
every expert can point at a different aspect, different angle;
we all grow in knowledge together;
plus your reply was worded, perhaps somewhat out of your politeness, clearly carefully and tentatively - I would... probably. And I agree with your hesitation - these hybrids are pesky and often hard to be sure about. For ID-challenged me anyway.
Another option is to introduce an agree button, if we are that careful, almost stingy, with words and posts
FWIW I am against trivial posting. But you know this too.