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Pseudodoras niger -- whether to buy

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 01:47
by muridae
I LOVE Pseudodoras niger. There has been one at a local LFS for a while now, and I make special trips just to admire this fish. It's still little, maybe 10" or so. I really want this fish. But I just can't decide whether or not I should buy it.

I've read absolutely everything I can find on the species, I know how big it can get, and I have a suitable and currently uninhabited tank in which it can live. When it outgrows that one, I'm willing to make a pond for it. Basically, I know what I'd be getting into, and I think that it's okay.

Am I totally and completely insane for wanting a potentially gigantic tankbuster of a fish with big spines down its sides? :lol:

Anyone here have one? Is there anything I should look out for, in particular, if/when I bring it home? Are they prone to any particular parasites, bacterial infections, or the like? How fast DO they grow?

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 05:45
by jim2y
Hiiiii... I like this fish too
I have searched this fish to many freshwater aquarium fish shops in my country but i couldn't find this catfish.

Posted: 11 Jan 2004, 07:19
by Mika
I did have have one few years ago. It was 60 cm and i kept it in 720l tank which was too small for it I took it back to lfs and it went to 3000l aqaurium. It grows fast and it does have great appetite. The one and the only rule is to have huge tank. 2000l and more required.

Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 01:44
by Katman
I have P. nigers, Mine reached 1meter in 6 years, they are no problem to maintain requiring
very little. However they do have one draw back, As they are not a very flexable fish they do
not maneuver very will .this combined with weight and power ,if spooked they can cause a
large amount of damage to tanks,things inside the tank,and them selves.

Other wise they are a great fish to have " IF " you have a tank big enough to accommodate

Posted: 17 Jan 2004, 01:06
by lolly24
I just sold one about 24" long, they are outstanding fish, great personality, gentle with other fish, and will eat out of your hand. One problem I had is that the fish would sift through the gravel day and night (In through the mouth, shot out through the gill plates) so I could not have any plants buried in the gravel, gravel was piled in odd places, gravel was rearranged day after day after day. Put a huge load on my power filters since no bacteria could set up in any of the gravel. If I had known I would have gotten a larger gravel that was more dificult for him to pick up.

Otherwise, an outstanding fish for a large tank.