attack oto

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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attack oto

Post by troi »

I logged on to ask about my attack oto, but found severl posts on tangential threads. So I will just chime in and say that I also have an oto that persistantly chases a betta and appears to suck or nip at the betta.

I have started adding spiralina flakes for the loricarii in the tank hoping to stop this behavior. I don't like the wafers in this tank of very small bottom feeders as I am convinced that the spikes on the bushy nosed were disemboweling my little cories in a a feeding frenzy. Stopped losing fish when the busy got traded in.

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Post by micahgee »

uh.........what exactly is an attack oto :?: :?: heh a new species, otocinclus bellicus (war oto)...

heh i can imagine a oto with blood shot eyes who has been starved and released into a tank of neons, sucking away their mucus coating and eating them from the inside out :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I assume you mean that your oto is bonkers and is 'nipping' your betta. Jezus, otos dont have teeth let alone a mouth big enough to do any damage...but there are a lot of strange things in the world, like a chimp who is the president of the united states, oops did i really write that :lol: :lol: :lol: :P :P :P
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