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Suggestion In Cat E Log
Posted: 09 Jan 2004, 05:22
by kwalker
What do you floks think about putting a caption of where the species is located or river system in the cat e log? i surf fairly often and have noticed that most species do not have this, am i missing this somewhere? maybe i'm not looking in the right place.
Posted: 09 Jan 2004, 05:54
by Silurus
Actually, if you notice, some of the entries have data entries that reflect what you want, and some do not.
An example of an entry with data:
And an example of one without:
Members of the data-entry team are adding data whenever we can and the ideal situation is to have data for all of the species, but this time and effort.
Posted: 09 Jan 2004, 15:28
by kwalker
Silurus wrote:Actually, if you notice, some of the entries have data entries that reflect what you want, and some do not.
Yes i do see what you mean. i will be patient, also is there any way to help in updating the data,(information)? i have some time available and would be happy to send, input or copy data into pc? thanks for the quick reply.
ken walker
p.s. do you want to go to south america and visit shane and collect in the summer?
Posted: 09 Jan 2004, 15:32
by Silurus
If you're interested in joining the Cat-eLog data entry team, write to Jools.
PS. I will be in India (hopefully with Jools) this April, so I don't think I will be collecting in South America this summer.
Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 20:08
by Jools
A kind offer, gratefully accepted. Can we try you out first? If you could pick a few species and then send a
data submission for them I'll check them and, if they're accurate and reasonably well written, you're on the team.
Would suggest not going nuts as I can only add a few per day to maintain accuracy. A slow but steady flow is good...
Posted: 12 Jan 2004, 22:49
by kwalker
let me know what you need from me. just pm me and i'll get things to you.
ken walker
Posted: 13 Jan 2004, 17:22
by pturley
Why the hell didn't I think of that! All I had to do was offer to help!
I've got enough original descriptions around to add a bit here and there.
Jools, count me in too. I'm not a particularly prolific writer, but every bit helps, eh.
Posted: 14 Jan 2004, 05:27
by kwalker
its about time you jumped in here.
Posted: 16 Jan 2004, 22:01
by Jools
Ken and Paul,
I'll post here if that's OK. Both to stop me writing the same thing twice and also so that if even more contributors come along (hope springs eternal) then they can read what to do from here to.
a) Look
here for a list of species with no info. what-so-ever. Pick a species you know about and want to submit data for.
b) Check
here that someone else hasn't submitted data recently I and just haven't got it online yet. This is most unlikely but would be very annoying for all involved, so check if you will.
c) Submit data using
this form page. If information exists for other species of the same genus, it's probably best to cut and paste generic information from that. Feeding, tankmates or "furniture" are often the same for congeners.
d) Use HTML tags (NOT bbcode) for italics. i.e use
Code: Select all
<i> or <em> for italics on rather than [i]
</i> or </em> for italics off rather than [/i]
Use <br> for a carraige return
and so on.
Try not to use carraige return key presses. This is a real pain.
Try to spell check larger pieces of text in a word processor before pasting into the screen.
Once added, you will be notifed per speices submission that the data has been sucked in.
Finally, the quickest way to get to this is go to the cat-elog home and click on the little white rabbit hiding at the bottom right of the screen.
So, please get the data in there!!!!
Posted: 26 Jan 2004, 23:59
by Jools
Thanks for the initial few subs, they're fine and I have added the information. You now control part of Planet's future direction! The pace is fine too - like 5 or so a week. You could pick it up a little, but the quality is just fine so don't jeopardise that.
Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 03:24
by kwalker
thanks a lot. i really enjoy doing it. more to follow.