Bullhead Breeding

Post pictures of your beloved catfish aquaria here. Also good for pictures of your (cat)fish rooms or equipment discussions. If you are posting pictures of identified catfish, please do so in the appropriate husbandry and reproduction forum above.
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Bullhead Breeding

Post by ataridude »

Hello everyone. I have a pair of Ameiurus natalis (yellow bullhead) in a tank all by themselves. They were nesting and eventually laid a cluster of eggs. The eggs are hatching and there are all of these tiny cream colored fry. My question is as follows: I cannot find any other reference to a yellow bullhead spawning viable eggs in an aquarium without the use of a spawning catalyst. There are all kinds of references to how the bullheads make their nests, but literally nothing that I can find on the spawning of the yellow bullhead in a home aquarium. If anyone has such a reference please send it to me as quickly as possible.
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Re: Bullhead Breeding

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Congratulations. Not that I have ever looked for this info but I've never come across it. What is your purpose? To potentially stake a claim of the first natural spawn in captivity?
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Re: Bullhead Breeding

Post by Jools »

It's a new one on me too. Post pics!

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Re: Bullhead Breeding

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Sorry, OP, I can't help you but indeed, pictures and videos would be awfully nice.

Twin thread by the OP in a different forum: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=47823#p318073

IDK, Jools, you might want to combine them as they are the same.
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