Do your fish like water changes?
Posted: 10 Mar 2019, 16:06
Hello, greetings from South Korea!
Recently I have been quite active on the South American catfish forums! I got a ton of useful advice, always nice to learn something new! My gratitude to everyone who helped me!
This time I have a shared category question; as the title says, do you fish enjoy their water changes?
In the past when I used to keep larger fish (Especially cichlids) in larger tanks, they seemed to really hate their water changes, sulking and refusing food for quite a while afterwards.
But now, with a smaller tank, keeping bristlenose plecos, otos, Corydoras sterbai & hastatus, as well as 4 silver halfbeaks (Dermogenys sp.), and a ton of red cherry shrimp, I found these guys could care less about water changes. In fact, for the two cory species, water changes seem to stimulate their appetites! They are seen more actively foraging during and after adding water! The two suckermouth species and the shrimp just ignore the action, and the halfbeaks get excited from both the rush of water and the individual droplets flying about! Trying to snatch up anything that moves at the surface! They must think the water droplets are insects dropping in from above haha
You could say I have some personable fish, but am I the only one who has fish who love their water changes? I am sure there are more! Please enlighten me!
Recently I have been quite active on the South American catfish forums! I got a ton of useful advice, always nice to learn something new! My gratitude to everyone who helped me!
This time I have a shared category question; as the title says, do you fish enjoy their water changes?
In the past when I used to keep larger fish (Especially cichlids) in larger tanks, they seemed to really hate their water changes, sulking and refusing food for quite a while afterwards.
But now, with a smaller tank, keeping bristlenose plecos, otos, Corydoras sterbai & hastatus, as well as 4 silver halfbeaks (Dermogenys sp.), and a ton of red cherry shrimp, I found these guys could care less about water changes. In fact, for the two cory species, water changes seem to stimulate their appetites! They are seen more actively foraging during and after adding water! The two suckermouth species and the shrimp just ignore the action, and the halfbeaks get excited from both the rush of water and the individual droplets flying about! Trying to snatch up anything that moves at the surface! They must think the water droplets are insects dropping in from above haha
You could say I have some personable fish, but am I the only one who has fish who love their water changes? I am sure there are more! Please enlighten me!