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Acanthicus adonis and Acanthicus hystrix pictures (mature)

Posted: 01 Jan 2019, 10:15
by ElTofi
I took a while this January 1. to take a "dive" into the 10,000 liters inner pond to chase the XXL L-Numbers I have... Here you can see a few pictures of this "family activity". Mum on the camera, Daddy on the fishing and Danaƫl my son on the Stingray Alert.

Acanthicus hystrix, 8 years old




Acanthicus adonis, 8 years old




Re: Acanthicus adonis and Acanthicus hystrix pictures (mature)

Posted: 01 Jan 2019, 15:13
by ElTofi
just sent a few pictures (not the ones in this topic) of mature Acanthicus sp (both adonis and hystrix) at the moderator for the Cat-eLog.

Re: Acanthicus adonis and Acanthicus hystrix pictures (mature)

Posted: 03 Jan 2019, 10:09
by Jools
Thanks Christophe, I see the pics and will work on the soon, can I ask what visually you can see in these two species as adults that quickly allows you to tell which is which species?



Re: Acanthicus adonis and Acanthicus hystrix pictures (mature)

Posted: 03 Jan 2019, 10:49
by ElTofi
Edit of my 1st entry. There was an error, I had put a adonis picture under the hystrix chapter. And put exactly the same picture in the adonis chapter. solved.

for Panaque schaeferi, the only information I have is from youngsters, as they did match quite perfectly the pictures I had as references. Moreover, they were sold as "schaeferi". In my 4 fish group, they are similar, even if 2 of them are clearly smaller (45-50 cm TL, but thinner, due to hierarchy in the tank). As a final "proof", their actual size, after only 8 years.

for Acanthicus adonis, very easy, even though maybe not so obvious on the pictures : you still can see the white dots on the back and on the fins. They are longer, slender, racier, more elegant as hystrix. Kind of an elf.

for Acanthicus hystrix, it's a massive prehistoric war machine : short, massive, with a big high large head, very strong and thick interopercular odontodes. black as midnight. Dorsal fin shorter and less higher than adonis. Much more of a destroyer.

Re: Acanthicus adonis and Acanthicus hystrix pictures (mature)

Posted: 12 Mar 2019, 08:06
by ElTofi
I got 3 little Acanthicus adonis (fry) from a local shop in late January. They are already growing up quite fast in the living room tank.

And I found myself wondering why are the "big" ones in the inner pond not that tall after almost 9 years.

Does anyone have a reference or a text or whatever to inform me on the growing rate of Acanthicus genus ?

Re: Acanthicus adonis and Acanthicus hystrix pictures (mature)

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 09:05
by ElTofi

Re: Acanthicus adonis and Acanthicus hystrix pictures (mature)

Posted: 05 Dec 2020, 16:12
by ElTofi
one more short video during today's water change...

I think it's worth it...

Re: Acanthicus adonis and Acanthicus hystrix pictures (mature)

Posted: 02 Apr 2021, 08:43
by ElTofi
from the double moving in October-December 2019 (leaking problems and I had to remove my fish in a shop in my area for 3 months), this Acanthicus never really healed from the stress... it got more and more thin... until these last days where I discovered it was way too thin and without any energy. This morning I found it with destroyed fins, and I could take it out of the tank on bare hands (which is never a good idea with Acanthicus)

I decided to kill it, properly, to avoid further complications

Re: Acanthicus adonis and Acanthicus hystrix pictures (mature)

Posted: 03 Apr 2021, 15:26
by bekateen
Sorry for your loss. It sounds like you did all you could.
