Hi friends,
bought these plecos as L135, but rather would say its L015 or another Peckoltia (hope so).
Thank you for your help
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 02 Dec 2018, 20:54
by Koi-fantast
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 02 Dec 2018, 21:38
by kuba_n
Dont have any idea... Is there any chance to breed? Have 1+3 right now
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 02 Dec 2018, 23:27
by stuby
To me they look very similar to what Ingo Seidel has in his book Back to Nature Guide to L-Catfish as "Peckoltia sp. Rio Tocantins". I've seen some come in lately that appear to be this fish as well... being sold as L15.
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 06:55
by kuba_n
stuby wrote: 02 Dec 2018, 23:27
To me they look very similar to what Ingo Seidel has in his book Back to Nature Guide to L-Catfish as "Peckoltia sp. Rio Tocantins". I've seen some come in lately that appear to be this fish as well... being sold as L15.
So I probably have any Peckoltia sp. without exact specification, as there is lot of species with little differents.
Maybe it can be Rio Tocantis or similar.
Anyway, there is very small chance to breed this.
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 16:22
by stuby
Yes, I would say it is a Peckoltia sp. at least..... they grow to around 6" (~15cm) and as far as care they would be along the same lines as any Peckoltia from the same area. As far as breeding I have not gotten them to breed yet... but I haven't really worked at it either so hard to say. I suspect they are along the lines of the L377 and the like so very doable. Just takes time and the right conditions..... and of course a pair.
Take care,
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 17:13
by Koi-fantast
I have breed some hundreds of L15 not knowing if all L15 are that easy or if there are different lines that are easier to breed within one species. Maybe my conditions that I offer are the best for L15 that have them breeding. Hard to say.. really.. I know that my L15 are offspring from what Janne Ekström had when he was breeding plecos in Sweden so the line are some 15 years going now. No side effects that I can see.
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 19:44
by kuba_n
Hi guys,
thanks so much for your help. Ive bought 1x male and 3x female, they are around 11 cm.
Do you have any suggestions what to try, even there is small chance to breed them.
Thank you once again
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 22:45
by stuby
kuba_n wrote: 03 Dec 2018, 19:44
Hi guys,
thanks so much for your help. Ive bought 1x male and 3x female, they are around 11 cm.
Do you have any suggestions what to try, even there is small chance to breed them.
Thank you once again
When they get settled in I would try a dry/rainy season to get them to breed. Basicaly higher temps ~28c for a couple weeks then drop it down 2 to 3 degrees with some larger (~50%) water changes.... dropping the TDS some may also help.
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 07 Dec 2018, 21:43
by Fundulopanchax76
Ok and what are my fish ? Could somebody help ?
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 07 Dec 2018, 21:46
by Fundulopanchax76
And some more pics !
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 07 Dec 2018, 22:52
by bekateen
Hi Fundulopanchax76,
I know we've discussed these fish before, but if I recall correctly you were never confident in the ID of the fish.
Are the photos from the dorsal views of the same fish as is shown in the side views? And are they of the same fish in the first set of side views and in the second set of side views?
The dorsal views really resemble a typical debilittera type to me. The first photos in side view resemble a very matured debilittera type (as mine are aging, their pale stripes are shrinking more and more, leaving the body mostly slate-gray/black colored). The stripes on the bottom photos remind me (almost) of a
Pictures with dorsal view are from 1 and a half year ago when i bouth them ! From the right profile is smaller fish which i think is female and from the left profile is bigger fish that i think is male !
Thank you Acanthicus if you are so sure ! They were sold to me as L 15 ! lol
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 12 Feb 2019, 21:18
by kuba_n
Hi guys, thank you all for your help. I bred them few weeks ago.
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 12 Feb 2019, 21:32
by bekateen
kuba_n wrote: 12 Feb 2019, 21:18I bred them few weeks ago.
They spawned for you? Congratulations!
Cheers, Eric
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 12 Feb 2019, 23:12
by stuby
Congratulations on the spawn! Please post some pictures of the fry when you get a chance..... I would love to see what they look like as fry!
Take care,
Re: Please help me with "L" identification
Posted: 15 Feb 2019, 21:51
by kuba_n
stuby wrote: 12 Feb 2019, 23:12
Congratulations on the spawn! Please post some pictures of the fry when you get a chance..... I would love to see what they look like as fry!