Ompok or Micronema or Kryptopterus

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Ompok or Micronema or Kryptopterus

Post by dmcat »

Would my specimens be Ompok rhadnurus too? I guess these came from Thailand since they were sold as Thailand false glass catfish. Thanks, DM P.S. Could they be Micronema species or Kryptopterus species? Is there any id key to the genera of Siluridae? I would appreciate a reference or a copy. P.P.S. There is no visible dorsal fin and the barbels are not too long (definitely much shorter than in the picture of O. rhadnurus).
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Re: Ompok or Micronema or Kryptopterus

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

AFAIK, all Ompok, including rhadinurus, have a dorsal fin with 4 rays. It may be better or worse visible. ... ies_id=197 : "The catfish genus Ompok La Cepède, 1803, consists of medium-sized silurid fishes found in inland waters throughout South and Southeast Asia. The genus is traditionally diagnosed by the presence of a short dorsal fin with 4 rays, strongly forked caudal fin, subcutaneous eye that is set immediately posterior to the mouth rictus and two patches of palatal teeth (Weber & de Beaufort, 1913). Bornbusch (1995) showed that Ompok, as currently understood, is probably paraphyletic."
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Re: Ompok or Micronema or Kryptopterus

Post by dmcat »

I am leaning towards Micronema cheveyi at the moment...
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Re: Ompok or Micronema or Kryptopterus

Post by Aqua_Bankie »

Could be Ompok Rhadinurus ?

check this thread, I also acquired a Ompok Rhadinurus wrongly labelled by the LFS and in with some Kryptopterus cryptopterus.

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