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Can someone please tell me the sex of these L200's

Posted: 02 Sep 2018, 01:28
by fishladyWI
I just got them today. They are wild caught. I know the picture is bad but it is the best I can do with the camera I have.

Re: Can someone please tell me the sex of these L200's

Posted: 02 Sep 2018, 12:50
by MarcW
I would guess the bottom left is your best chance of a female, the rest look like males to me.

As you have just got them I would recommend getting them settled in and well fed for a few months then it should be easier to tell the genders.

Good luck!

Re: Can someone please tell me the sex of these L200's

Posted: 07 Sep 2018, 16:15
by MonsterFishMonger
Agreed let them settle in feed them well and really tend to your tank as these really love cool fresh water with lots of flow. Another good sign is to watch the length of their “whiskers” the longer whiskers will be male and short will be female.

I have these and blue phantoms as well and am currently in the waiting out period so I can sex them as mine are almost full grown.