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How would flag tail porthole cats do in a 75 gal pleco tank at 85F?

Posted: 27 Aug 2018, 05:09
by bekateen
Hi All,

My LFS has a beautiful group of 4" or larger flag tail porthole cats () for a terrific price. They are in a 75 gal display tank at the LFS and they seem very happy. At home I have a 75 gal full of a LOT of , 8 , and 4 , plus about 15 corys ( and ). Everything in my tank now are bottom dwellers. The tank fluctuates from 74-85F depending on whether or not I'm running the heaters (I run the heaters about 7 months of the year).

If the LFS has both male and female Dianema, would a pair or trio be okay in my tank? I read they are midwater fish (my tank has none), but I don't know if they would (1) fight with plecos for hiding places, (2) tolerate the high temps, and possibly (3) eat baby plecos.

I think I know the answers: (1) They really won't go well in this tank, even if these are the only upper/mid water fish in the tank, and (2) they won't like 85F.

What do you think?

Thanks, Eric

Re: How would flag tail porthole cats do in a 75 gal pleco tank at 85F?

Posted: 27 Aug 2018, 07:35
by Bas Pels
I've kept a group of somewhat smaller Dianema in a 250 l tank. That is around the same size.

Temp was 23 - 27 C, wher 27 C = 80 F. I don't think the last 5 F wuld be too much of a problem.

With regard to eating small plecos - their mouthes are tiny. A pleco of 1 cm, that is slightly over 3/8th of an inch, would only fit if it woould help getting in. Don't know what size they normally hatch, but I think they would all be safe.

I only wonder what number to get. They like to be amongst themselves. But I would assume you would try to breed, and then they will need a bit more privacy

Re: How would flag tail porthole cats do in a 75 gal pleco tank at 85F?

Posted: 29 Aug 2018, 01:20
by Peixes
Hi, I have only 2 in a 55. They are not very active, except when feeding. I can't tell if in larger groups they are more active, but I would not say that they are a midwater fish. Mine are always over plants or rocks. They do not hide, so fighting with plecos for hiding places is not a problem. It's a very peaceful fish. 85F is ok. But I don't know about the baby plecos.

Re: How would flag tail porthole cats do in a 75 gal pleco tank at 85F?

Posted: 29 Aug 2018, 03:10
by bekateen
Thanks. It seems like the fish might work. I just have to decide if I want to go through with it. I've got a lot of fish things going on, and these are not a planned purchase. But they look really cool. And if they spawned, that would be wickedly neat!

Cheers, Eric