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Help ! sick Platystacus cotylephorus

Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 19:36
by Harley
My Platystacus cotylephorus is behaving very strange. He is gasping for air on the surface and he swims around with his mouth above water. He has som white "slime" that hangs from parts of his tail and fins, looks like some sort of disseas. Its almost like he is changing skin !

what is this and what can i do about it ?!!


Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 23:07
by Silurus
It is a normal thing for aspredinids to periodically shed their skin. However, I've never seen one do it while gasping for air.
Did you test your water?

Posted: 01 Jan 2004, 16:57
by Harley
i tried moving him to another tank and medicate it. But i was to late... hi died sometime during the newyears night. :( He was 20cm when he died.

darn.. my favorite catfish =/ :cry: