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any way to sex 1 inch Bristlenose ?

Posted: 17 Aug 2018, 15:50
by squid
Any way to sex 1 inch Bristlenose pleco?
there are some super reds available recently but they are a little bit pricey.
i was thinking if any way to have a good chance to get 1 male and 1 female?
would it be a bigger chance to get a female and male if i was to pick biggest and smallest among the batch?

Re: any way to sex 1 inch Bristlenose ?

Posted: 17 Aug 2018, 15:58
by bekateen
I'd say no. One inch is really small. I would not trust overall body size at that point.

Regards, Eric

Re: any way to sex 1 inch Bristlenose ?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018, 15:00
by squid
Thanks i guess ill skip buying until price becomes lower a little

Re: any way to sex 1 inch Bristlenose ?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018, 19:25
by TwoTankAmin
Buy at least 7 and more like 10-12 and the odds are quite good you will get both sexes. The bigger/older any fish is, the easier it becomes to sex and the more expensive it gets as well. This also applies in terms of how ready to spawn the fish might be.

On Aquabid now-
5 super reds at 1.5 inches at $65 including shipping.
8 Super Red Bristlenose Plecos bid at $62 with shipping at $14.
2 pairs (they must be sexed) bid at $102 plus shipping.
One proven lf female with a current bid of $150 plus shipping.

I am sure there are more but these I found fast. The sellers above all have decent feedback ratings.

Re: any way to sex 1 inch Bristlenose ?

Posted: 01 Sep 2018, 00:33
by cichlidlife
With albinos i know that the males have a noticeable reddish area behind the eyes which is their heart and females don't show any signs of that reddish area at all. With smaller BN plecos this is not a definitive way to sex them though. Super reds and common BNs don't visibly have the reddish area behind the eyes because they are too dark in color to find theirs hearts. Please don't quote me on this because this is only for older albino bristle nose plecos.