Can anyone help me out?

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Can anyone help me out?

Post by fatboy8 »

Back from keeping natives and flowerhorn for the past few years and I'm in the market for 2 Ompok Pabda or Ompok Siluroides but would prefer the Siluroides. Of course while I was in different directions with the hobby I feel like I saw these fish for sale everywhere. Unfortunately now I can't find them anywhere I've checked locally and online and no one has them or know when or if they'll get another shipment. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you.
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Re: Can anyone help me out?

Post by TwoTankAmin »

This isn't much help in your quest, but it probably helps to explain your lack of success.

Ompok pabo
Ompok bimaculatus
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Re: Can anyone help me out?

Post by Shovelnose »

The major problem with Ompok is that there is very little to no demand in the trade. Ompok pabda and O.malabaricus were in the trade (rare even then) till a few years ago. In case it helps, Wes Wong of Rare Fish used to get them into the United States. I'll let you know if I hear of any Ompok sent to the US from here.

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Re: Can anyone help me out?

Post by fatboy8 »

Wes is about the only person I haven't reached out to yet. One of my LFS stated next time they order from Thailand they'll put the order in. Another LFS I just started going to stats they get them frequently and they as well will notify me when they restock. I'm hoping an online vendor from North Jersey gets them soon as I was informed late summer is normally when they're in stock.
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