Biotope photos/pictures

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Biotope photos/pictures

Post by Horlack »

For all fishes, theres photos/pictures. That's ok.
As : ... es_id=1589

But i think, it's not enough. There are missing photos/pictures of biotopes.
For exemple Corydoras sp. (Cw016), posted by Ian Fuller on Corydoras World (facebook)
this photo/pictures is very interesting and very representative. It deserves to be in the list of photos of Corydoras sp. (Cw016)

But other exemple with Corydoras micracanthus , by Felipe Alonso ... ad/564/482 ... e_locality
This article is public (but photo/pictures not totally open-source)

Under condition to write the source/reference and ask permission, i think it'is possible to post some biotope pictures/photos on PCF
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Re: Biotope photos/pictures

Post by Dave Rinaldo »

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Re: Biotope photos/pictures

Post by Jools »

Yes, I agree but it's a question of asking first. It is rude to take pictures without asking known contacts and it's important to gain permission from previously unknown sources. I do try to add biotope pictures when I see them.

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