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Unknown Pleco
Posted: 27 Dec 2003, 17:09
by Catsncats
We've had him about six months, he is three inches long, we have no idea what species he is or even how old he is. He has grown since we've gotten him so he was a juvie when we got him. The color is a little off, he's mostly grayish brown with brown dots on his head and faint stripes on his body, although in this picture the dots are fainter and the stripes are stronger than in real life.
He looks just like Hypostomus plecostomus to me EXCEPT his dots don't extend down his body like they do on the specimens in the cat-elog, but I understand most plecos coloring can vary according to diet, mood and environment.
What do y'all think? Hypostomus plecostomus? If so, how long will it take for him to grow his full length? My brother has a large pleco, but since he's twenty years old I don't recall how long it took him to grow to his full length.
Posted: 27 Dec 2003, 17:48
by Jools
Just can't tell from the pic. Any chance of some more - may be with the fins up and the whole length of the fish.
Posted: 27 Dec 2003, 18:01
by Catsncats
I'll try - I was lucky to get these since he likes his cave! As far as fins up - I have never actually seen him with his fins up. Any good tips on getting them to flare out?
Posted: 27 Dec 2003, 18:06
by Jools
Wear black, put out the room lights, don't make sudden movements, take photos while the fish is feeding or looking for food. Plecos become immobile and drop their fins if they are not sure about something in their surroundings.
Posted: 28 Dec 2003, 00:05
by Silurus
I am almost certain your fish is H. plecostomus (I am estimating the number of dorsal-fin rays from the relative size of the fin). I have one right now that has a nearly-identical color pattern.
Posted: 28 Dec 2003, 23:54
by Catsncats
Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 00:00
by Silurus
Yup. Hypostomus plecostomus.
Posted: 29 Dec 2003, 02:57
by Catsncats
Yipes, that's what I was afraid of. He's in a 10 gal right now, he was rescued from a goldfish bowl. About how many more months can he stay there until he has to be moved? And what would his approximate age be now, being as he's about 3 inches long?