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Anyone keep corydoras pygmaeus in hard alkaline water?
Posted: 09 May 2018, 04:06
by sandman76
Ph above 8....hard water..has anyone had success keeping them in these parameters? Looking to add a group to a 40 gallon long planted
Re: Anyone keep corydoras pygmaeus in hard alkaline water?
Posted: 10 May 2018, 18:04
by bekateen
I don't know of any corys which are really happy with hard water. Why are you using hard water? Is that what comes out of your tap, or are there other fish or plants in the tank that need it?
Cheers, Eric
Re: Anyone keep corydoras pygmaeus in hard alkaline water?
Posted: 10 May 2018, 18:16
by -carlo
I kept corydoras adolfoi in ph8 gh 11 for over a year. This was my tap water. I think they did ok but some did lose their barbels (which is probably caused by something else)
I now mix RO water with tap to get more suitable conditions. My ph is 7 and gh 5. They are definately happier with this water. They spawn more frequently if other conditions are also met.
If you have the chance I would use RO water or rainwater to get better conditions.