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WTB Hisonotus Aky

Posted: 03 Apr 2018, 17:07
by needlesksv
If anyone has these available. I would like to buy some. Thank You in advance.

Re: WTB Hisonotus Aky

Posted: 03 Apr 2018, 18:28
by bekateen
Hi needlesksv,

Welcome to PlanetCatfish. The only source I know for is Jeremy Basch of I don't know if he has any available now, but he has bred them in the past.

Good luck, Eric

P.S., I see that your location is North Highlands, CA. That's by Sacramento. If you are available on the first Saturday of each month (including this Saturday), I'd like to invite you to attend the Sacramento Aquarium Society. We get some great speakers each month, although this month is our Mega Auction - no speaker, but lots of fish, plants and equipment will be available for good prices.

Normal meetings start at 7pm, but our Mega Auctions start at 6pm. The club meets in a Round Table Pizza. If you buy food there during the meeting, tell the cashier you're with the SAS meeting and you get a 10% discount on your food.

For directions to the meeting, please visit ... tings.html. For more general information, visit

It's a terrific club. Hope you can make it. Eric. ;-)