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Sturisoma panamense breeding

Posted: 10 Mar 2018, 12:05
by pan
I' d like to share my first breeding attempt of sturisoma panamense which took place about three years ago. I bought the breeding group (1m-2f, about 5cm) as sturisoma panamense from the lfs so i kept this name. I have serious doubts about the given identity(....aureum propably), so if someone is in position to give a valid identification, feel free to say so.
Before i continue i would like to ask for your tolerance, as my english are a bit weak.

The tank that hosted the breeding group was 200lt big (80x50x50cm) and it was dedicated to sturisoma. Other species in the tank was a group (25) of cardinal tetra, L106x1, L162x3. The system was supported by two filters ( eheim 2215 and astro 2212) and an eheim jager thermocontrol of 250w. The water parameters were:
ph: 6,8
The tank was planted with some roots of valisneria spiralis and americana, cryptocoryne wendetii and anubias. There was no co2 supply and the water was prepared by mixing r/o water with fresh and by the use of peat.
The breeding group made their first attempts of breeding about 1.5 year after i took them, and i didn't try to make good use of these attempts. Generally i like to give time to my fish and let time pass... As soon as i decided i should enter into, sturis started breeding. I collected the eggs of the first spawn to a breeding box where i had pretty good flow with the help of an air pump and i placed the box opposite to the exit of the filter. I also collected the eggs of the second birth which took place a few days later. I then placed both the eggs and the juvenile from the first birth, to a new tank of 50lt, where i managed to raise all of them.
It was indeed a really interesting experience and a great "school" for me, as i had to overcome various difficulties that came up. Feel free to ask whatever you want.

Re: Sturisoma panamense breeding

Posted: 10 Mar 2018, 12:15
by pan
At the last picture you can see one of these toddler after one year (or so), in a sajica raise tank.

Re: Sturisoma panamense breeding

Posted: 10 Mar 2018, 15:08
by bekateen
Congratulations on the successful spawning. Thanks for sharing your detailed report and pictures. :-)

Cheers, Eric

Re: Sturisoma panamense breeding

Posted: 10 Mar 2018, 18:37
by pan
Thanks Eric. Happy to participate. :)

Re: Sturisoma panamense breeding

Posted: 11 Mar 2018, 10:05
by Karsten S.
pan wrote: 10 Mar 2018, 12:05I have serious doubts about the given identity(....aureum propably), so if someone is in position to give a valid identification, feel free to say so.
you are absolutely right to have doubts. I'm not sure if Sturisomatichthys panamensis ever made it into the trade (and all the west andine species have been moved to this genus meanwhile). "St . panamensis" are always(?) wrongly labeled.
Also most of the Sturisomatichthys aureus are wrongly labeled, most of the are rather Sturisomatichthys festivus. However, these species unfortunately also crossbreed making it even more difficult to say for sure.
To my mind the fins are too long for St. aureus, St. festivus could match.


Re: Sturisoma panamense breeding

Posted: 11 Mar 2018, 19:20
by pan
The long fins make me doubt the panamense identity too.
Thanks Karsten!
