Sexing L200

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Sexing L200

Post by MarinFlorin »

Very good evening everybody !!
Today I mannaged to get 4 wild L200 hemiancistrus subviridis.
The size of them is between 14 cm and 15,2 TL.
I've been reading a lot of stuff on internet prior achieving them. I asked the seller to send me 2 males and 2 females but I'm not really sure about the sex of the fish so I'm asking the experienced eyes which are owning this fish to give their opinion. Cheers!!!
Fish no 1
Fish no 1
Fish No 1
Fish No 1
Fish No1
Fish No1
Last edited by MarinFlorin on 21 Dec 2017, 10:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Fish no 2

Post by MarinFlorin »

Here's some pics with fish no 2
Fish no 2
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Fish 3

Post by MarinFlorin »

Fish No 3 😀
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Re: Sexing L200

Post by MarinFlorin »

And fish No 4
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Re: Sexing L200

Post by MarinFlorin »

Bas Pels
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Re: Sexing L200

Post by Bas Pels »

While I'm certainly not a pleco person, I once heard in plecos the males are broader in the sholders than the hips, and for females it isd just the other way around

Your fish are all broad in the sholders, I'm afraid
cats have whiskers
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Re: Sexing L200

Post by Jools »

I’d say these are a little small to reliably tell and venting is harder when the fishes are out of the water.

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Re: Sexing L200

Post by Jobro »

MarinFlorin, I think you need to get back to us in 6-12 Months and we might be able to give you a better ID.

Cool fish! I hope to get a breeding group some day, too. :-)
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Re: Sexing L200

Post by MarcW »

I agree it will be much easier to tell when they are settled in and have been eating well for several months. The differences should be clearer then.

Good luck with them.
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Re: Sexing L200

Post by bekateen »

Regardless of sexes, they look nice. :-)

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Huge thanks to everybody.

Post by MarinFlorin »

Guys I would like to thak you all for your replyes. My tought is also that ale looks males to me but as you said I suppose to condition them first and then we shall see what is going to happen.
I tool the pictures before dropping them into the aquarium as it will be dificult to catch them later. I keep them in a 300 Liters aquarium with 2 external filters one tetratec ex 1200 and a jbl 1500e full of siporax both of it.
Once again a big THANK YOU all and will keep you updated.
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Re: Sexing L200

Post by Fundulopanchax76 »

As i have seen pictures of mature males, all of them have whiskers but your fish have not. So on their stage of development they all look female. Of course i m not an expert !
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Re: Sexing L200

Post by Jobro »

Fundulopanchax76 wrote: 23 Dec 2017, 02:07 As i have seen pictures of mature males, all of them have whiskers but your fish have not. So on their stage of development they all look female. Of course i m not an expert !
These are wild caught fish. They drop pretty much all of their odontodes(/whiskers) before and during transportation. They are often kept in bad conditions for longer times prior to shipping out of the country. That's what makes newly imported fish so hard to sex.
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Re: Sexing L200

Post by Fundulopanchax76 »

To be imported so big size ?! I thought they import only juveniles ! I bought my L 128 only 5 cm long !
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Re: Sexing L200

Post by Tony4143 »

They are still to small to sex 100% when they are in the 5+" in size than you sexing will be better on the odds.
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Re: Sexing L200

Post by Jobro »

Fundulopanchax76 wrote: 27 Dec 2017, 15:56 To be imported so big size ?! I thought they import only juveniles ! I bought my L 128 only 5 cm long !
They are imported at various sizes. from juveniles to full adults. Price differs a lot, though ;-)
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Re: Sexing L200

Post by Tony4143 »

Jobro wrote: 29 Dec 2017, 10:01
Fundulopanchax76 wrote: 27 Dec 2017, 15:56 To be imported so big size ?! I thought they import only juveniles ! I bought my L 128 only 5 cm long !
They are imported at various sizes. from juveniles to full adults. Price differs a lot, though ;-)
Mine were imported as adults around 5 inches in size when i first got them
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