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A three year wait

Posted: 23 Dec 2003, 02:27
by Coryman
After various attempts over the past three years I have finally managed to spawn Corydoras concolor :D Now all I have to do is raise them. There are about 120, 2.2 mm diameter eggs all laid in a single spawning mop.


Posted: 23 Dec 2003, 02:41
by plesner
Congratulations on that one.

Your good news reminded me of something I was wondering about some time back. When visiting a friend, I saw a school of some 8-10 C. concolor. I've never seen a cory this active and fast swimming. Is this normal behaviour in C. concolor or did he just happen to have some hyper-active specimens ?

Beautiful fish BTW.

Posted: 23 Dec 2003, 05:25
by Taratron
Congrats, Ian!

Truth be told, I honestly thought you've bred every known species of corydoras out there.......

Posted: 23 Dec 2003, 09:05
by Graeme
Congrats!! :D


Posted: 23 Dec 2003, 09:16
by Achim
Hi Ian,

Now all I have to do is raise them.
I bred the species several times too, but had at the beginning some serious problems making the eggs hatch. Maybe just because i never use any anti-fungi pharmaca like Acriflavin.
If i may give the master a hint ;) : If you encounter any problems: Try keeping the pH low (below 6.0). I had large problems making them hatch, and even the youngsters seemed to be very sensitive in high pH water. Low conductivity is also reccomended.

Just out of curiousity: What SL do your mature fish have?



Posted: 23 Dec 2003, 10:07
by Coryman
Thanks for the comments guy's, To enduce spawning I had to use RO water and over a period of a couples of weeks reduced the conductivity from 450 down to 120, the pH is pretty stable at 6.8 - 7.0. I also a week ago added a layer of dried Oak leaves. Once the leaves had soaked and settled on the fine sand substrate the fish seemed to be a lot happier and more active than previously. I don't think they are any more active than other Cory's but then again I keep most of mine in shady conditions, which probably keeps them a little more subdued.

The two females are 50 mm sl. and the 3 males about 42-3 mm sl.

I'll keep you posted on the progress.


Posted: 23 Dec 2003, 14:41
by madattiver
congrats ian.. great work on spawning the concolors.. i can't wait to get my hands on some of those cory's myself.. i hope u can raise them to adulthood.. keep up posted.


Posted: 23 Dec 2003, 22:06
by oneoddfish
congrats.after all the corys you've bred it's hard to believe you still get exited over breeding another species.But I guess that's the truley great thing about breeding and raising fish it NEVER gets old. What's you'r next project??

Posted: 23 Dec 2003, 22:23
by Coryman
C. macropterus is my ultimate goal at the moment. Then theree's the other thirty or so species I have that have so far been ellusive.


Posted: 23 Dec 2003, 22:56
by madattiver
well a congrats is duely deserved for spawning them.. and i wish u the best of luck spawning your next species...


Posted: 24 Dec 2003, 03:56
by Coryologist
Hey Ian,

That's great news. All I can say is that if they were mine, they would have been in the bouillabaisse, long before 3 years had passed!

Keep up the great work.


Posted: 24 Dec 2003, 10:17
by benny
Congratulations!!!! Do keep us posted on their developments.


Posted: 24 Dec 2003, 16:38
by Jools

I've heard some murmurings about the true identify of this species. There appears to be a high backed, dome headed variety and a more snouty version which appears the more common. Is this an age / size thing are we looking at two species with different morphology but identical colouration?


Posted: 24 Dec 2003, 17:01
by michelle56
Even though I have never heard of them!

Posted: 24 Dec 2003, 18:20
by Coryman

It may very well be an age thing, my females (4 years old) are a lot deeper and chunkier than the males of the same age. However I will do a little checkng and see if there is any merrit in the similar species theroy.


Posted: 30 Dec 2003, 05:43
by Julie

congrats!! they are a cute cory... we have a few.. but nothing being really tried on the the breeding front at the moment...

Just curious... have you bred any/many of the long-nosed cories??

Posted: 30 Dec 2003, 07:58
by JdubsVW
Congrads !!! :D I need to get my hands on some of them really like the concolors just never see them for sale but i know there is some online here and there.

Posted: 30 Dec 2003, 15:53
by Samurai
Congrats! Keep us updated! Pictures will be a bonus! :)

Posted: 30 Dec 2003, 19:14
by Coryman
I may get some fry shots dome this weekend.

Samurai, can yiu add your location to your pofile please
