young breeding group of 10 WC L401 plecos
What does the seller mean by "young breeding group?" Do they mean a group of young adults that have spawned? Or do they mean a group of juveniles that you have to raise before you can try to spawn them? Those are very different things.
Many people, myself included, are more than willing to pay a premium for fish that are proven breeders. And if these fish are, then the price seems fair to me.
But if they haven't spawned before, especially if they are young (i.e., too immature to breed... Do you even know that the genders of the fish are confirmed?), then you don't have a "breeding group;" you just have a "group" ... And a group of juvies at that.
Personally, I take issue with anyone selling a "breeding group" if they are selling fish that have not yet bred. I know some people view this issue differently than I do, but this is a pet peeve of mine. I consider it deceptive advertising to raise the apparent value of the fish, for purposes of jacking up the sale price.
Please understand I am not stating anything about this specific seller. But the fact that the fish are described as "young" is a red flag to me. My advice is to ask lots of questions. Buyer beware.
Pardon the rant. To be honest, all that really matters is this: Can you afford to buy them, and are you satisfied with what you got? If the answer to both questions is "Yes," then enjoy your fish.
Cheers, Eric