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Species ID Hybrid?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017, 18:11
by jd_7655
This was sold to me as petricola. Can anyone ID this? The body color isn't as greenish as some other ones I have. also the white edge on the back of the dorsal isn't as prevalent on my other fish also. Could this be a hybrid?

Re: Species ID Hybrid?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017, 21:04
by jodilynn
My Hybrid #1 looked almost exactly like that when he was a juvenile.

So, based on what my fish looked like when he was a juvenille, you unfortunately may be correct, your friend is not a purebred. I bought mine knowing it was not, so I can absolutely understand your frustration.

Perhaps one of the experts will weigh in with their opinion.

Re: Species ID Hybrid?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017, 21:13
by jodilynn
Screenshot_2017-08-06-16-11- 08.png
If it is any condolence he has grown into a very handsome fish.

Re: Species ID Hybrid?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017, 21:47
by Dave Rinaldo
jd_7655 wrote: 06 Aug 2017, 18:11 Could this be a hybrid?
Pic unavailable to me.

Re: Species ID Hybrid?

Posted: 06 Aug 2017, 22:17
by jd_7655
Sorry I was having a problem with photobucket I think it's fixed now.

Re: Species ID Hybrid?

Posted: 26 Sep 2017, 11:27
by gotzy
looks to me like a grandiops

Re: Species ID Hybrid?

Posted: 26 Sep 2017, 12:56
by Viktor Jarikov
To me it looks about right but I cannot tell the notorious differences between petricola and lucipinnis. All I know is that for every true petricola, there are thousands of lucipinnis in the trade / hobby but almost all lucis are erroneously labeled as petri.

I don't think it is a hybrid but if it was, it'd be the first time I see this kind and it wouldn't be hybrid #1 in Cat-eLog, in fact, I don't think we have one that would look like this in Cat-eLog at all.

Re: Species ID Hybrid?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 01:49
by Birger
The original photos show a fish with white on the front of the dorsal and also at the back of the dorsal...this is not right for any species of tanganikan syno...petricola / lucipinnis
have the white on the front ray of the dorsal. Multipunctatus / grandiops have white at the rear of the dorsal. I have seen this before and think it is a hybrid of some sort.
