Tank makers in Manchester?

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wayne the pain
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Tank makers in Manchester?

Post by wayne the pain »

Anyone know of any tank makers in the Manchester area? Or know of anywhere i could find out the recommended glass thickness for tanks, as i may make my own yet if I cant find a reasonable priced one.
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Re: Tank makers in Manchester?

Post by Mol_PMB »

My nearest shop Urmston Aquatics used to sell custom tanks abd stands and I had a few from them, but timescales and quality went a bit downhill as one of their suppliers was letting them down.
They may be better again now as I think they have brought more of it in-house.
Worth an enquiry anyway.
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wayne the pain
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Re: Tank makers in Manchester?

Post by wayne the pain »

Thanks for the reply, Urmston is probably my nearest shop now to be honest, i may give them a try. Anyone know if Gaylife still make tanks? They used to but that was a long time ago.
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