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Aeneus season?

Posted: 30 Jun 2017, 16:12
by Biulu
About 2 months ago, I had 3 spawns from the bronze cory. Unfortunately I lost almost all the eggs as I did not operate my tumbler well.

Since that time I have not changed the conditioning nor the water changes but they have not spawned again. Another cory species in the same tank is now in its 4th spawn and I am having a very good hatching and survival rate.

So, my question is: what is your experience with aeneus in this sense? Is the breeding season for them over or would it still be possible to entice them to spawn again, especially since I have multiple females of adult size?

Re: Aeneus season?

Posted: 30 Jun 2017, 17:14
by bekateen
Hi Biulu,

I don't know if aeneus is "seasonal" in a biological or meteorological sense, but all of my corys, aeneus included, go through cycles of more and less spawning.

In the absence of having more familiarity with the fish in nature and what they experience, I've usually attributed it to the possibility that fish just get "spent" or "run-down" or "out-of-condition" after several back-to-back spawns, and then they need a while to get back into condition.

I'm sure it's more complicated than that, but I guess I'd say simply it's probably nothing to be alarmed about if your fish stop spawning for a while. Just be sure that everything (conditions, water quality, food, etc.) is good.

That's a quick answer. There's a lot more to say on the subject, and I hope someone with more experience adds in here.

Cheers, Eric