Is this L066??

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Is this L066??

Post by MarinFlorin »

Hello guys!! recently I bought a group of wc hypans. When I bought them I was too excited so I didn't realy noticed the difference between the fish. Now I have a group of 7 hypancistrus and I'm preety sure that they are 3 l333 and 4 l066 but as it is my first time on keeping hypans would like to know your opinion also.
The 3 pica are with the same fish as I believe is an l066 and the other I believe is a l333 male.
This I believe is an l333 male.
This I believe is an l333 male.
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Re: Is this L066??

Post by MarinFlorin »

Nobody??? Any ideas?? Any opinion would be welcome!!
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Re: Is this L066??

Post by Jobro »

I am not that familiar with all the black white Hypans, but this looks more like the L236 to me.. But young L66 might look like that as well. How big are those fish?
follow my Plecos on Instagram: welsgefluester
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