Sexing lda022 and l340

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Sexing lda022 and l340

Post by MarinFlorin »

Good evening guys!! As the title says I would like to know your opinion about the 3 fish I received today which suppose to be 2 Lda022 females and one l340 female.
The fish are not in breeding condition and as I understood was quite poor fed.
While aclimatisatising the fish I took some fast pics.
Fish no1 side view
Fish no1 side view
Fish 1 top
Fish 1 top
Side again :)
Side again :)
Fish 1 below
Fish 1 below
Top again.
Top again.
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more pictures

Post by MarinFlorin »

I found some other pictures with fish no 1 and with no2 I have only from the top. My opinion is that second fish might be a male or a female in poor condtion.
I have one doubt regarding this fish. They are all hairy on the tail. The fish are mature and the size is about 6 cm maybe more.
They donmt have spikey pectoral fins and but might be also a sign of unconditioned fish for breeding.
Any advice is welcome as I have 5 more fish which are believe that are all males because they are very hairy on the tail and almost all of them have a cave.
No 2 top again
No 2 top again
Fish no 2 top
Fish no 2 top
Fish no1 top
Fish no1 top
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Post by MarinFlorin »

And some pics with the L340.
Inside the bucket
Inside the bucket
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Re: Sexing lda022 and l340

Post by pleco_breeder »

The L340 does appear to be a female. However, If the LDA022 have hair on the caudals, they are without question males.

Impossible only means that somebody hasn't done it correctly yet.
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Re: Sexing lda022 and l340

Post by bekateen »

Of the , fish number 1 is male without a doubt - it has odontodes along its body flank toward the tail. That's as male as you're going to get. ! :-) I'm sorry but your fish #2 photos are not sufficient for me to feel comfortable trying to sex the fish... It might be male also. See if you can get some really sharp photos as you did for fish #1.

For sexing, see this photo: Image

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Fish no 2 most probably also male

Post by MarinFlorin »

Many thanks guys for your reply. Usualy I go by the tipa from that picture you sent me bekateen but just wanted to confirm with some more experienced guys. I do believe that both lda022 are males the only thing which confused me was the other fish I have home because they are twice as hairy as this 2 but as I said forst time might be a sign of poor feeding/conditioning of the fish. I will come with some pictures of the orher fish next week because I believe that They are all males too :((((.
Meanwhile will add aome more pics of fish no 2.
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