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Pleco Caves...Good sources for cheap!

Posted: 29 Dec 2016, 21:44
by mcrracer
Can anyone give me some sources for inexpensive Pleco caves? Or a DIY method. Got to do this hobby on the cheap. Thanks Guys and Gals.

Re: Pleco Caves...Good sources for cheap!

Posted: 29 Dec 2016, 22:28
by bekateen
mcrracer wrote:Can anyone give me some sources for inexpensive Pleco caves? Or a DIY method. Got to do this hobby on the cheap. Thanks Guys and Gals.
Hi mcrracer,

There are lots of resources for making DIY caves: Here is a recent summary of the various techniques: Home-made pleco spawning caves

Here is a recent post in which I described how to make several caves out of bamboo poles... perhaps the cheapest way to do it:

Also, has great clay caves for as little as $4.00 each.

Cheers, Eric

Re: Pleco Caves...Good sources for cheap!

Posted: 30 Dec 2016, 00:28
by mcrracer
Thanks Eric, I am going to look for and use the bamboo tubes.

Re: Pleco Caves...Good sources for cheap!

Posted: 30 Dec 2016, 09:02
by JamesFish
Few of the face book groups have people making them. I think my Mrs got me 3 bn ones for £10 can't remember if had to pay postage. Also for those who can't stand social Orwell aquatics get glowing reviews on caves and provide advice on sizes. Sometimes they can do you a deal on items if you message them. They also have an eBay store so you can check if any are running a special offer. The if using website sometimes Facebook10 will get you a discount if the voucher is valid but haven't seen it advertised for a bit.

Re: Pleco Caves...Good sources for cheap!

Posted: 30 Dec 2016, 13:46
by TwoTankAmin
You can get excellently made and reasonably prices caves from Nancy at South Central Cichlids. You can tell her I sent you. [url][url]

When I sell plecos at events I usually give out coupons which can be applied to the price of caves from her. (You do have to buy fish from me for this :d )

Re: Pleco Caves...Good sources for cheap!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017, 13:09
by Annabellam
Grateful for this thread and all the information shared. Had no idea you could DIY for example.

Re: Pleco Caves...Good sources for cheap!

Posted: 07 Mar 2017, 05:26
by bigwaverider
I can second the caves from great product. Don't go super cheap you get what you pay for. They took care of me big time even after I ordered incorrectly.