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Is this a emerald green cory or a bronze? Is it healthy?!

Posted: 06 Nov 2016, 03:00
by ermpickle
Hi there! This is my first post! I have 4 "emerald green cory cats" and will be getting 2 more as I just found out I need 6. I also found out there is no such thing as an emerald cory. It is this misinformation provided by my lovely local petsmart ..they also say the dwarf gourami likes to stay at the bottom of the tank.. anyhow.. I am now not sure if what I have is a brochis spenden or possibly some other catfish entirely. Also, one has a pinkish spot near its tail that looks like veins but maybe something more serious. Another one is very dark in the "lung"? area. And one looks totally healthy like all the pictures :) my water specs and temps are all fine. The tank is cycled. I have gravel and will be switching to black sand tomorrow (very excited! ) I've had these guys about a week. I'm just trying to figure out if I need to be patient and get them healthy or if they are fine and this is typical orrr if I need to take them back to the store :(
Btw they are all super active, always swimming around up and down the glass. They are more entertaining than any of my other fish!
And the lighting is making them seen redder in the pictures

Re: Is this a emerald green cory? (Bronchis spenden)

Posted: 06 Nov 2016, 15:40
by ermpickle
Maybe this is a bronze cory? I have no idea, advice please?

Re: Is this a emerald green cory? (Bronchis spenden)

Posted: 06 Nov 2016, 16:14
by backstreetgambler
ermpickle wrote:Maybe this is a bronze cory? I have no idea, advice please?
that is what they look like. definately not Brochis. Can't judge their health from those photos

Re: Is this a emerald green cory or a bronze? Is it healthy?!

Posted: 06 Nov 2016, 16:54
by bekateen
Those do resemble bronze corys, . To be fair to PetSMART, they do offer for sale too (at least in my stores), but you didn't get them.

Cheers, Eric

Re: Is this a emerald green cory or a bronze? Is it healthy?!

Posted: 08 Nov 2016, 02:52
by ermpickle
As soon as I saw the pictures of a bronze cory I thought that's what they are. I just can't believe Petco doesn't even know what they are selling! Thanks so much for confirming! !