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ID on a, i believe, otocinclus

Posted: 28 Oct 2016, 22:40
by homerno1

I was at a LFS and saw the fish in the picture. In my humble opinion they are some sort of otocinclus. I can 't seem to find the right species.
Anybody any idea? All help is welcome!

Re: ID on a, i believe, otocinclus

Posted: 29 Oct 2016, 03:54
by Dave Rinaldo

Re: ID on a, i believe, otocinclus

Posted: 29 Oct 2016, 15:19
by homerno1
Thanx Dave Rinaldo,

The species you are pointing out is the species I found online yesterday. They do look similar and especially the dark color and the lines along its sides, which are hard to see.

Are you a keeper of this species?

Re: ID on a, i believe, otocinclus

Posted: 30 Oct 2016, 20:57
by Dave Rinaldo
I only have a singleton from an old group. I caught him sitting at the front of the tank just now!

Re: ID on a, i believe, otocinclus

Posted: 30 Oct 2016, 22:28
by homerno1
Wow, that is a really great shot. Mine, i bought the 2 of which the LFS and i didn't know what they were, do look similar. Especially the tail, that seems to be 1/2 colored and the special mouth, looks like a crocodile to me, are very similar.

I added 3 pics. 2 of the belly of either fish and 1 of the biggest one (in my opinion a female).
Side view
Side view
Belly view possible male
Belly view possible male
Belly view possible female...yellowish belly because of eggs...?
Belly view possible female...yellowish belly because of eggs...?
Click on the pictures to see them upright, like they were supposed to be!