Is this L260 in this older picture?
Posted: 27 Oct 2016, 03:07
New guy on the forums here, first post. Not really new with aquaria or catfishes, especially Plecos, but back after a long time from the hobby. Back in the 1985 to about 2002 my wife and I kept, and bred, many different types of Plecos. However, we got out of the hobby before a lot of the resources of today, such as web sites of this kind. And really, for the most part, we had no idea what kinds of fishes we had other than maybe locally applied names that the fish shops called the Plecos or what was found in things like Axelrods Atlas.
We were fortunate enough to have an LFS run by a Pleco fanatic, making multiple trips each year to South America to capture and study and Europe to trade and discuss. He passed away in about 1998, and we had no LFS worth visiting after that. Our interest in the hobby faded and in about 2002 we shut down our last tanks.
My wife decide last year she would get back into the hobby, and so now we have several tanks and a dozen or so Plecos. We have had several spawnings in the community tanks, so I am building another tank stand for her to hold a breading tank, a grow out tank, and an isolation tank.
So, with restarted interest in the hobby, I recently ran across some old pictures and decide to see if I could ID the fish these years later.
First up, is this L260, Queen Arabesque? It would be about 3.5 to 4" long in this shot. We had a pair of these in the 1996-97 time frame, and if I remember right we did get them to breed.
We were fortunate enough to have an LFS run by a Pleco fanatic, making multiple trips each year to South America to capture and study and Europe to trade and discuss. He passed away in about 1998, and we had no LFS worth visiting after that. Our interest in the hobby faded and in about 2002 we shut down our last tanks.
My wife decide last year she would get back into the hobby, and so now we have several tanks and a dozen or so Plecos. We have had several spawnings in the community tanks, so I am building another tank stand for her to hold a breading tank, a grow out tank, and an isolation tank.
So, with restarted interest in the hobby, I recently ran across some old pictures and decide to see if I could ID the fish these years later.
First up, is this L260, Queen Arabesque? It would be about 3.5 to 4" long in this shot. We had a pair of these in the 1996-97 time frame, and if I remember right we did get them to breed.