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Synodontis Brichhardi! I hope, not hybrids are they? Will they much small fish?
Posted: 02 Sep 2016, 15:57
by pleconut
Just picked up 2 of these synos, labelled as brichhardi. Will they eat small fish? Are they hybrids?
Re: Synodontis Brichhardi! I hope, not hybrids are they? Will they much small fish?
Posted: 02 Sep 2016, 16:10
by Silurus
Nope, these are the real deal.
Re: Synodontis Brichhardi! I hope, not hybrids are they? Will they much small fish?
Posted: 02 Sep 2016, 16:12
by naturalart
looks authentic from here.
Re: Synodontis Brichhardi! I hope, not hybrids are they? Will they much small fish?
Posted: 02 Sep 2016, 16:14
by pleconut
And will they eat small fish? I've been told they don't actively hunt them out, but will try if they stumble upon them. The general if they will fit in the mouth rule.
Re: Synodontis Brichhardi! I hope, not hybrids are they? Will they much small fish?
Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 07:16
by naturalart
I guess its possible for an adult to eat a small fish, but these fish are lower level cruisers, feeding off the bottom (think worms, shrimp, algea, aufwuch). But I wouldn't put them in with fancy guppies. I would set them up with a nice flow across the bottom of your tank. I would say a 55 -75 gallon tank. They are really built for a riffle tank if you are able to set one up for them.
Re: Synodontis Brichhardi! I hope, not hybrids are they? Will they much small fish?
Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 17:07
by N0body Of The Goat
Look the real McCoys to me too.
I'd be amazed if adults could catch and eat any fish bar tiny fry, their under-slung mouth is tiny, even on my pretty much full size female in my trio, who must be ~15cm SL after living with me for ~6 years.
I'm much more wary about what my ~23cm SL Chrysichthys ornatus could eat these days, "he" could probably have a good try at eating my adult Synodontis brichardi trio and similar similar size Euchilichthys spp. quartet, if "he" would re-introduced to their 6-foot tank!
Re: Synodontis Brichhardi! I hope, not hybrids are they? Will they much small fish?
Posted: 04 Sep 2016, 13:20
by pleconut
Thanks, was aware most synos if any don't go about hunting for fish to eat but they might if ones right in front of them and can fit in their mouth. Thanks for the tips in the tank set up, like the idea of the faster flow at the bottom.
Re: Synodontis Brichhardi! I hope, not hybrids are they? Will they much small fish?
Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 06:08
by naturalart
There are many different types of synos, and some are piscivorous. My S. waterloti will go for small to medium 'slow water' fish every time. He's a beast. Anything I put in with him as to be fast moving (like a rasbora) or able to defend itself. Otherwise they are lunch.
Re: Synodontis Brichhardi! I hope, not hybrids are they? Will they much small fish?
Posted: 02 Dec 2016, 23:53
by Schall
that is S.brichardi! Nice catfish.
Best regards
Marvin Kniep
Re: Synodontis Brichhardi! I hope, not hybrids are they? Will they much small fish?
Posted: 02 Dec 2016, 23:54
by pleconut
Yep, my two still doing well.