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ID this Cory please

Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 07:22
by Scipio
Need help in finding out what these cories are please. I saw them at a LFS and I was about to get them when I noticed that some were a bit sickly and it was confirmed by the store owner that they were a bit infested and being treated since they were wild caught. These 3 were the most active while the rest huddled in a corner. I'll swing by in a couple of weeks and see if they are cleaned up and healthy.

Sorry for the poor photo.....
Corydoras bilineatus?
Corydoras elegans?
Corydoras nanus?


Re: ID this Cory please

Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 07:47
by Scipio
I should have seen and read the "COMMONLY ASKED ABOUT SPECIES - Read me before posting!"

I'm really sorry for the "ID this Cory please" Title.

But hopefully some one will still be able to ID these for me.

Thanks in advance!

Re: ID this Cory please

Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 12:53
by Karsten S.

Corydoras nanus is not available in the hobby, most of the pictures that you can find of this species show something else. So this one can be excluded nearly even without looking at pics. But pattern doesn't really match.
C. bilineatus is also very rare in the hobby and I would not expect that you can find this species from Bolivia in the trade and the pattern doesn't match either.

C. elegans is certainly an option.
Better pics might help but there are meanwhile so many variants known in the elegans group...

What is their size ?


Re: ID this Cory please

Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 20:18
by Scipio
Thank you kamas88,

The largest cory there was approx. 1.5 inch, the rest were about an inch or smaller. In the upper right corner of the photo you can see the bottom half of a neon tetra.

Re: ID this Cory please

Posted: 23 Aug 2016, 19:56
by Karsten S.

if they are 1" or smaller they might still change their pattern.
