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killing hydra and planeria
Posted: 20 Aug 2016, 16:05
by ClearSky57
I have an influx of hydra in two tanks, one that has dwarf ancistris young, (huacamayo) and in my Red Lizard fry tank..
and have found some planaria in my Leopard Frog breeding tank..
Is Goat wormer safe for all three instances???
the dosage rate I have is .10 ml per 10 gallons...
will it harm leopard frog eggs?
Re: killing hydra and planeria
Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 11:28
by PseudaSmart
I've used Fenben..... several times over the years. Using the goat dewormer is the best method because it is already in suspension and the dosage calculations are easy.
It's never a good idea to use strong and sometimes unpredictable treatments with smaller fish or eggs. Best to move them to another tank. I use two plastic containers with water from the new tank to basically move the fish 3 times using a different net for each move. It sounds like overkill but you might be surprised by what you see 'appear' in the water while moving them. I wait 10 minutes between moves and shade the containers from a lot of light.
When treating the tank pouring it directly on the hydra is rewarding to do. After treatment be sure to do a WC, clean gravel, and rinse out filter media especially sponge filters. If you don't it will stay in the tank a long time.
Are you sure it is planaria and not derititus worms? Best solution is to take out fish, clean gravel and let them starve in about a week. Clean gravel again to verify. Or keep fish in, feed less food, and clean gravel every day for a week. This will greatly reduce their numbers.
Last suggestion fish like Gourami's (Pearls are the best) are great for eating hydra if you don't over feed them. They also like worms. They have keen eyes and can see the stuff.
So the goat dewormer will work but without fry and eggs for safety.
A few more basic solutions to the same issues.
Good Luck,