picked up some Corys from my LFS, they ordered pygmy corys and got these. I am hoping some one here can ID them.
Thanks in advance.
Re: Help with ID please.
Posted: 19 Jun 2016, 20:16
by Carolus
Those look like pygmy cories to me, albeit a bit darker than most.
Re: Help with ID please.
Posted: 19 Jun 2016, 20:55
by toy_car_uk
Do you get the orange/red fins in the corydoras pygmaeus?
Re: Help with ID please.
Posted: 19 Jun 2016, 22:21
by Carolus
I haven't seen pygmy cories with this exact coloration or orange on the fins, but they are variable in appearance. It depends on where they were caught in the wild. Certain population can have a slightly different appearence than the norm, but that doesn't make them a seperate species. Anyway that's my 2 cents. There are people on this forum that are a lot more knowledgeable on cories than I am, so I'd wait for more expert opinions.
You got some pretty cories without a doubt though, especially the orange on the fins!
Re: Help with ID please.
Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 18:15
by Karsten S.
they certainly look very close to C. pygmaeus.
I have seen quite a few C. pygmaeus and to my experience they are not really very variable in terms of pattern and colouration.
I have never seen this particular form. Additional to the orange colour and the upper stripe also the stripe from the eye towards the dorsal fin is remarkable. It seems that in this group all corys share these features.
This form would deserve a CW number but this would require a defined catching location.
Is there any chance to find out from which country or even city they were imported or what is the name of the exporter ?
Re: Help with ID please.
Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 19:00
by Coryman
The look to be juveniles of one of the 'elegans' group species, many of the developing young have a pattern like this. What size are they SAL. (Body length).
Re: Help with ID please.
Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 19:12
by toy_car_uk
The coin in the first photo is a UK 20p (21.4mm diameter), I would say the body of the largest is around 20-25mm.
Took some better photos today. I have also seen them hovering mid water, am I right in thinking Pygmaeus do this also?
Also there eyes seem to reflect what is around them. My walls are painted blue and there eyes looked the same blue yesterday.
Re: Help with ID please.
Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 19:47
by Karsten S.
Coryman wrote:The look to be juveniles of one of the 'elegans' group species
I think you are right, Ian.
In the pictures now they look much less like C. pygmaeus, a bit too stocky for this small size. Also the caudal fin looks more like elegans group.
It will be intersting to see how they will look like when they are fully grown.
Re: Help with ID please.
Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 22:58
by Coryman
The look like young C. sp C126 but time will tell.
Re: Help with ID please.
Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 13:26
by toy_car_uk
I think your ID was correct Ian, though I do wonder if I have 2 different species of Corydoras. They are about 45 to 50mm long now. They have spawned and I now have some fry in the tank, though I didn't really try to get them to spawn it just happened and I only noticed because of the fry swimming round.
Re: Help with ID please.
Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 13:28
by toy_car_uk
Re: Help with ID please.
Posted: 02 Oct 2016, 07:31
by jac
That is the typical male/female pattern. Males are darker and much more striking to see, the females look a bit blunt.
Re: Help with ID please.
Posted: 02 Oct 2016, 12:09
by toy_car_uk
Going to revise the size, got a tape measure out while one of the males was up against the glass, they are more like 38mm with the females larger 43mm ish.
Re: Help with ID please.
Posted: 02 Oct 2016, 12:15
by toy_car_uk
jac wrote:That is the typical male/female pattern. Males are darker and much more striking to see, the females look a bit blunt.
cheers, wasn't to sure if that would be the case or not. I have only kept bronze an peppered before these.