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Can't get plecos to eat

Posted: 05 Apr 2016, 11:31
by iSynoCat
Help!!! I have a 60g tank setup with mixed juvenile african cichlid (none of them bigger than about 3") and has 2 little bristlenosers and a 4" Synodontis angelicus. My little plecs have been mowing down my small algae problem that for whatever reason my mbunas failed to sort out. Personally I really like the fish (bn pleco) and needed an excuse to get one.

So the problem: most of the algae is gone and the pleco dosent eat his food. I've tried all sorts of foods like algae wafers, pleco pellets, cucumber and whatever else. The cichlids just eat everything. I leave a wafer in over night or some cucumber and as much as I love them the cichlids just eat everything and there's practically nothing left for the pleco. Any suggestions for how to get my lil' plecs to get some food?
Also I've had them a little while and their still alive and looking healthy so what are eating?

Re: Can't get plecos to eat

Posted: 05 Apr 2016, 13:40
by Linus_Cello
Put zuchinni in a cave (half coconut shell) that only the pleco can get in to and the hole is too small for the cichlids.

Re: Can't get plecos to eat

Posted: 05 Apr 2016, 13:51
by bekateen
Linus_Cello wrote:Put zuchinni in a cave (half coconut shell) that only the pleco can get in to and the hole is too small for the cichlids.
Yes, zucchini is a good choice. Or try raw sweet potato, sliced into 1/4-1/2 inch thick pieces, with the outer skin removed. My bristlenoses love sweet potato, and it can stay in the tank for a couple of days before it rots and needs removed.

Re: Can't get plecos to eat

Posted: 05 Apr 2016, 16:05
by iSynoCat
Great thanks will try tonight and post result.

Re: Can't get plecos to eat

Posted: 05 Apr 2016, 18:03
by iSynoCat
Linus_Cello wrote:Put zuchinni in a cave (half coconut shell) that only the pleco can get in to and the hole is too small for the cichlids.
I don't have half a coconut what else can I use?

Re: Can't get plecos to eat

Posted: 05 Apr 2016, 20:49
by bekateen
iSynoCat wrote:I don't have half a coconut what else can I use?
Any cave-shaped object that is aquarium safe and has an opening of about 1-1.5 inches diameter should be fine, depending on the size of your pleco. This can be as simple as a plastic pipe from your local hardware store with a cap on the end of it, or it can be a segment of a bamboo pole, open at one end, or even a small aquarium decoration with a cave-like hiding place.

Cheers, Eric

Re: Can't get plecos to eat

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 14:22
by Linus_Cello
Maybe a terracotta pot? Either close up the top so the pleco can only get in through the drainage whole, or create a new hole on the side, and put the pot upside-down.

Re: Can't get plecos to eat

Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 21:28
by iSynoCat
Thanks I put in 2 pvc pipes behind the bogwood each with a small bit of zucchini. It seem like it was nibbled at but not sure they actually understand that it's food. Will put in various pleco foods in pipes very so often.

Re: Can't get plecos to eat

Posted: 08 Apr 2016, 05:08
by bekateen
Hi iSynoCat,

In my experience, two issues are important here for you: (1) If your plecos are not losing weight and getting skinny, then they are eating something, even if you don't see them eat. They'll probably be okay. (2) Whenever I introduce new foods to my plecos, sometimes they need up to two weeks to learn that this new thing (whatever it is) is food - whether I'm trying out new vegetables, or a new meaty food, I will repeatedly provide small amounts of that food (and at the same time, cut back on the "regular" food) until I see the fish eating the new food, and then I start blending in the old foods on alternating days or feedings. So just because you think your plecos are ignoring this food, keep trying, don't give up.

Cheers, Eric

Re: Can't get plecos to eat

Posted: 08 Apr 2016, 22:25
by iSynoCat
Thanks eric

Would rather not try with the zucchini again until the day before a water change (a couple of days), it's makes the water kinda cloudy after a while. Though I did also put in an extra little bit coz the cichlid love it,even the syno came out and had a nibble.

They definitely don't seem thin, though not particularly chubby. They look in pretty good condition to be honest. I have some bogwood in the tank, I heard pleco like to munch on that, though they are bn's so not too sure.

Any suggestions for veggies I can leave in for 12 hours without turning the water too cloudy?

Re: Can't get plecos to eat

Posted: 08 Apr 2016, 23:11
by bekateen
iSynoCat wrote:I have some bogwood in the tank, I heard pleco like to munch on that, though they are bn's so not too sure.
True, BNs aren't primarily wood eaters (compared to, for example, and ). But even so, BNs snack on wood.
iSynoCat wrote:Any suggestions for veggies I can leave in for 12 hours without turning the water too cloudy?
Raw sweet potato lasts a while in my tanks, even longer if the fish are constantly eating it (if it sits uneaten, it will start to fungus within 1-2 days, but if they are constantly nibbling on the outside, the fungus doesn't seem to build up), and partially cooked beans: Re: Foods for weird and wonderful (and I'm just strange) plecos!.

Cheers, Eric

Re: Can't get plecos to eat

Posted: 16 Apr 2016, 12:30
by iSynoCat
Thanks everyone, quick update so I've tried a few different "caves" but I don't like any of them (my tank is quite natural - or at least as natural as half rift lake and half african riverine can get) and strangely enough the pleco don't seem to be using them. But I've made some changes to the stacked rocks and made some proper caves (rather than swim-thrus) and everyone seems to be doing great. Started growing some algae on rocks in a bowl of fish water outside just to make sure(taking the opportunity while the sun's out). Still cant see evidence of plecos eating but I think they'll be fine now. :)

Re: Can't get plecos to eat

Posted: 16 Apr 2016, 23:40
by pleconut
You can purchase caves specifically made for plecos or even make some that will fit in with the theme of the decor. Even a plastic pipe covered in aquarium safe glue and then rolled in the same substrate in the tank will look more fitting than a plain plastic pipe. Also placing food in the same place each time helps as they know where to find it.