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My Fish: record of removed species kept in Cat-elog & breeding log

Posted: 26 Mar 2016, 11:16
by Melander
A few years ago I made a mistake by registering a kept (and bred species) in My Aquaria that turned out being something else.

I proceeded to remove the species in My Aquaria, I should probably have chosen "change species, keep data".

The species was removed from My Aquaria but I still show up as a keeper under the species data sheet, and also under breeding reports. The species in question is Ancistrus sp. L100.

Apologies for entering incorrect data, there is not rush on this from my part I just wanted to highlight it to the administrators as there might be other cases like this. Also I'm not 100% that it's a bug or If I simply did things in the wrong order.

All the best and thank you for all the good work!


Re: My Fish: record of removed species kept in Cat-elog & breeding log

Posted: 28 Mar 2016, 06:48
by bekateen
I too have a mistake I can't delete. During a spawning frenzy in my community tank in February, I had some odd color fry which I thought were (as posted here: What do ambiacus fry look like? (Dang, probably not this). So I created a BLOG report to document the conditions and growth. But the fry turned out to be another species, one which I had already spawned, and for which I already had another BLOG. I've gone back and deleted as much of the ambiacus BLOG report as the website will allow, but I'd like to delete this report all together if possible please.

To be clear, I actually do keep these fish, so I don't want to delete my species kept record (as does the OP), but I do wish to delete my BLOG report for C. ambiacus.

Thank you,

Re: My Fish: record of removed species kept in Cat-elog & breeding log

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 10:53
by Jools
Hmmm, OK, I will have a look at it. It's probably just that the species page isn't taking into account that the record has been marked as deleted. I will look at the L100 example above first.



Re: My Fish: record of removed species kept in Cat-elog & breeding log

Posted: 07 Oct 2023, 13:38
by Jools
Eric, I'm looking at taking this enhancement on. Would you simply want to delete a BLOG, or would you also want to move the blog from one species to another?



Re: My Fish: record of removed species kept in Cat-elog & breeding log

Posted: 07 Oct 2023, 13:40
by Jools
Melander wrote: 26 Mar 2016, 11:16 A few years ago I made a mistake by registering a kept (and bred species) in My Aquaria that turned out being something else.

I proceeded to remove the species in My Aquaria, I should probably have chosen "change species, keep data".

The species was removed from My Aquaria but I still show up as a keeper under the species data sheet, and also under breeding reports. The species in question is Ancistrus sp. L100.
You can use "change species, keep data" on the My Cats page to correct the species even if it's removed from an aquarium.

However, there is no way to alter the BLOG - let's discuss that in this thread as "what we need to do"!



Re: My Fish: record of removed species kept in Cat-elog & breeding log

Posted: 07 Oct 2023, 14:00
by bekateen
Jools wrote: 07 Oct 2023, 13:38 Eric, I'm looking at taking this enhancement on. Would you simply want to delete a BLOG, or would you also want to move the blog from one species to another?


Hi Jools,

I wanted to delete the ambiacus report, but I see it's gone already. Either you deleted it, or i fixed it years ago by reassigning the report to another species I had spawned... I can't recall the latter, although maybe, but of not, thanks. :d

Cheers Eric

Re: My Fish: record of removed species kept in Cat-elog & breeding log

Posted: 14 Oct 2023, 17:12
by Jools
OK, cool, but it still remains I should look at being able to reassign or remove a particular BLOG - will keep things here for now.

