White lump on Bronze Cory Fin
Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 05:58
Been having problems with a cory and was suggested to try asking here.
1. Water parameters
a) Temperature range 75F
b) pH 7.8
c) GH 20
d) KH 10
e) Conductivity or TDS (if GH and KH aren't provided) 500TDS
f) Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite levels (Most LFS's will check your water and give a list of readings) 0 ammonia, 0 nitrate, 0 nitrite
g) Water change frequency every other day in the hospial tank. Whenever the nitrate rises in the 75g (it's pretty heavily planted)
h) "Routine" water treatments (e.g, chlorine/chloramine or ammonia neutralizers; pH or hardness adjustments, anti-stress chemicals, tank-cycling bacterial mixes). Prime water conditioner, flourish excel and some other plant ferts in its original tank
2. Tank set up
a) Size 75g
b) Substrate organic soil + black diamond blasting sand
c) Filtration SunSun 302
d) Furnishings
e) Other tank mates 5 more bronze corys, 7 harlequin rasboras, 2 peacock gudgeons, scads of snails (ramshorn, malyasian trumpet, pond).
f) How long has it been set-up? been set up since January 17th or so.
g) Food used and frequency Frozen bloodworms once or twice a week, Hikari sinking wafers 2 pieces split between the corys and the rasboras intent on stealing it.
h) Recent changes in the tank which occurred shortly before the disease/problem appeared (if any; e.g., changes in water source or water treatment, changes in decorations or substrate, replacement or changes of hardware (filters, heaters, etc.), and additions or removals of live plants or live fish) The sick one is from the first batch of 3 corys I added to the tank since the stores I went to didn't have enough to buy all 6 at once so the 6 fish were added in a two day span.
3. Symptoms / Problem description or history
I noticed a white bump on its fin around the 15th. It looks kind of like a droplet of white school glue. On the 17th, the cory was upside down on the substrate and I thought it was dead until it wiggled away when I went to scoop it out. It kept of going between righting itself and going on its side or belly-up until the 18th or 19th. The lump seems to have shrunk slightly. But currently it seems to be getting paler.
the 15th
the 17th
the 19th
the 21st
4. Action taken (if any)
Cory is currently in methylene blue treated water in a hospital tank
5. Medications used (if any) / changes in fish observed since treatment began (if any)
methylene blue. Lump has shrunken slightly, ability to stay upright regained. Paler than before.
1. Water parameters
a) Temperature range 75F
b) pH 7.8
c) GH 20
d) KH 10
e) Conductivity or TDS (if GH and KH aren't provided) 500TDS
f) Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite levels (Most LFS's will check your water and give a list of readings) 0 ammonia, 0 nitrate, 0 nitrite
g) Water change frequency every other day in the hospial tank. Whenever the nitrate rises in the 75g (it's pretty heavily planted)
h) "Routine" water treatments (e.g, chlorine/chloramine or ammonia neutralizers; pH or hardness adjustments, anti-stress chemicals, tank-cycling bacterial mixes). Prime water conditioner, flourish excel and some other plant ferts in its original tank
2. Tank set up
a) Size 75g
b) Substrate organic soil + black diamond blasting sand
c) Filtration SunSun 302
d) Furnishings
e) Other tank mates 5 more bronze corys, 7 harlequin rasboras, 2 peacock gudgeons, scads of snails (ramshorn, malyasian trumpet, pond).
f) How long has it been set-up? been set up since January 17th or so.
g) Food used and frequency Frozen bloodworms once or twice a week, Hikari sinking wafers 2 pieces split between the corys and the rasboras intent on stealing it.
h) Recent changes in the tank which occurred shortly before the disease/problem appeared (if any; e.g., changes in water source or water treatment, changes in decorations or substrate, replacement or changes of hardware (filters, heaters, etc.), and additions or removals of live plants or live fish) The sick one is from the first batch of 3 corys I added to the tank since the stores I went to didn't have enough to buy all 6 at once so the 6 fish were added in a two day span.
3. Symptoms / Problem description or history
I noticed a white bump on its fin around the 15th. It looks kind of like a droplet of white school glue. On the 17th, the cory was upside down on the substrate and I thought it was dead until it wiggled away when I went to scoop it out. It kept of going between righting itself and going on its side or belly-up until the 18th or 19th. The lump seems to have shrunk slightly. But currently it seems to be getting paler.
the 15th
the 17th
the 19th
the 21st
4. Action taken (if any)
Cory is currently in methylene blue treated water in a hospital tank
5. Medications used (if any) / changes in fish observed since treatment began (if any)
methylene blue. Lump has shrunken slightly, ability to stay upright regained. Paler than before.