Distribution L-Welse and Planetcatfish

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Distribution L-Welse and Planetcatfish

Post by Sjors »

One of the reasons that i use thiswebsite is to make a biotope correct aquarium. I also use the website from L-welse for information. Both sites are great and professional.

But L-welse has different distribution information than Planet Catfish. See for example the L075 and the L095. What is the reason that they are not the same?


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Re: Distribution L-Welse and Planetcatfish

Post by Jools »

PlanetCatfish is a custom built species centric database, l-welse is based on a content management system with no taxonomic hierarchy built in at the database layer. So, basically, you can't compare species with l-numbers.

If you want to look at specific examples, then L075 is the same, just l-welse is unclear on whether it is P. sabaji or not. Not unsurprising as it is a complex example.

L095 is incorrect (here) and should be the Rio Negro tributaries such as the Rio Demini and Rio Branco. I've not got time to fix this right now, but we will at some point soon!


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Re: Distribution L-Welse and Planetcatfish

Post by bekateen »


Realizing that help is sometimes more trouble than it's worth, sorry if I'm in over my nose. Queuing off of your comments above, I added Demini and Branco to the distribution for L095, and changed the distribution text from "Rio Purus" to "Tributaries of the Rio Negro".

Cheers, Eric
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Re: Distribution L-Welse and Planetcatfish

Post by Jools »

That's helpful, thanks. Around 15 years or so, there was a lot of upheaval in this genus. I suspect this species entry used to be something else perhaps the entry for Pseudorinelepis pellegrini.

Anyway nice to be able to move this one to resolved while on the train to work!

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Re: Distribution L-Welse and Planetcatfish

Post by Sjors »

Thank you for the quick response and editing of the distribution of the L095.
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